is it as cool as the d in super dooper?

Feeling: hungry
1. How tall are you? 5'5" 2. Do you own a gun? the one i can make with my fingers... 3. Rehab? Counseling? no...people come 2 me wit their probs sumtimes tho 4.Ever killed an animal? ants? 5. Are you Irish? no...welsh... kiss me im welsh? 6.Do you like hot dogs? pig uterus's? eh...naaaah. 7. What's your favorite Christmas song? idk..i like alot. sumthin faster..or naughty;) 8. What is your favorite smell? ummm colada slice, and candy (even tho i dont know wut that smells like) 9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? i dont really drink in teh mornin, water mayb? 10. Do you do push ups? i might if the fate of the world rested on my shoulders...but then its iffy... 11. Have you ever done ecstasy? no...but it seems like it sumtimes... 12. Have you been shot? ...a dirty look... 13. Have you ever been hospitalized? ya...but its no biggie 14. Do you like pain killers? well if they do their job then i am quite pleased with them. 15. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? my personality. if he dont liek that, then y bother. oh ya, and my breaticlular things as well. 16. Do you own a knife? ummm...steak knife? 17. Do you have A.D.D? it feels like it 18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? not a fan of pain, but i want a tatoo anyway! 19. Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Water...Diet Coke...Capri Sun...sprechers root beer...and...ummm...Apple Juice?... 20. What's In Your CD Player? greta's mix! 21. Who is your best friend? prolly cay, an meg an diff....i hav many good friends as well! 22. What's Under Your Bed? monsters?jk....umm....large tupperware-like storing containers? 23. Current Hair? medium length,layered, choppy bangs...theyre ok 24. What are you wearing? blue sweatshirt, tan cords 25. Current Worry? grades 26. Current Love? hangin out with friends? 27. Current Hate? kristen an fink? 28. Favorite Place To Be? Anywhere with my favorites... 29. Least Favorite Place? around my rents? 30. If You Could Play an Instrument? played the piano from 1-6th grade, but i stopped takin lessons when i moved. drums currently.yep. o an singin. 31. Favorite Colors? anything bright and fun 32. Person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? grandma, or matt, or candi, or...idk or kelly 33. Where Would You Like To Go? italy, and london again 34. Where Do you want to live? NEW YORK CITY!!! favorite place on earth... 35. Favorite food? Italian and chinese anything 36. Color of most clothes you own? every color...but i like blue and people say i look good in olive green 37. Number of pillows you sleep with? 2under my head when i sleep, 3 or 4 when i read 38. What do you wear when you go to sleep? nothin! jk. umm pj pants or boxers and tshirt or tank 39. What were you doing 12AM last night? sleeping... 40. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? be a phycologist 41. Are you paranoid? sorta.... 42. First piercing/tattoo? 13th bday piercing. how sad. that was my first, but i recently put in a second hole an my rents were pissed. o well. 43. Last person you yelled at? dad...or mom? 44. Latest crush? chris! 46. If you could be a pirate, would you? i might, if i was a pirate taht didnt do anything. 47. Do you have an iPod? ya...but im grounded from it... 49. What's in your pockets right now? Nothing... 50. what color are your bedroom walls? evry color nearly 51. last thing that made you laugh? hw club 52. any pets now? shih tzu and kitty 61. What do you think of the person who posted this before you? i dont know them 63. Screen Name? born2bwild7000 64. Whats your middle Name? morgan 65. What time is it 5:54 pm
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