the survey thingy

--FIRSTS-- :-: first best friend = Tommy :-: first job = um..I babysat..once :-: first screen name = breakingpoint127 :-: first self purchased cd = Backstreet boys :-: first funeral = um my dogs. lol :-: first piercing/tattoo = my ears :-: first enemy = umm. devon ohh i hated her :-: first big trip = havasu --LASTS-- :-: last big car ride = Dumont dunes :-: last good cry = um..a couple days ago :-: last library book checked out = I have no idea. :-: last beverage drank = water :-: last food consumed = hot pocket :-: last phone call = Michele L. :-: last time showered = last night at like 11 :-: last shoes worn = pink lepord print slippers :-: last cd played = ocean pacifica (from mike) :-: last annoyance = parents :-: last shirt worn = my 80's rock shirt :-: last website visited = this one :P --DESCRIBE YOUR?-- :-: wallet = black with a star on it :-: underwear = pink lepord print :-: tattoos = don't have one :-: hair = brownish :-: eyes = they change color :-: hands = ummm very small :-: feet = small :-: room = semi tidy :-: boyfriend/girlfriend = don't have one :-: parents = hillarious --THIS OR THAT-- :-: [boxers or briefs] = boxers :-: [plaid or striped] = STRIPES! :-: [salt or pepper] = salt :-: [okay, ok, or o.k.] = ok :-: [bright colors or dark colors] = both :-: [tic-tacs or certs] = certs :-: [sunshine or rain]= both :-: [rain or snow] = rain :-: [sun or moon] = Moon :-: [silver or gold] = Silver :-: [silk, cotton, or flannel sheets] = silk :-: [preps or freaks] = freaks :-: [popcorn-with or w/out butter] = with butter :-: [ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish] = mustard :-: [shampoo + conditioner in one or separate] = Seperate --IF YOU WERE_______, WHAT WOULD YOU BE?-- :-: an animal = jaguar :-: a fruit = peach :-: a vegetable = carrot :-: a color = ummmm pink? :-: a bug = butterfly --SHORT ANSWER-- :-: are you smart? = I'm average. Depends on the subject. :-: do you like onions? = yes and no :-: what instruments can you play? = piano :-: what words do you overuse? = like :-: do you sleep with socks on? = sometimes :-: are you ticklish? = very... :-: are you shy? = no :-: do you talk to yourself? = haha yes. All the time! :-: do you have a basement or an attic? = attic :-: did you go to preschool? = yes :-: are you a morning person? = um sometimes --FRIENDS-- :-: who you are closest to = ash,laura,jake,fuzzy,eric,ct, and mishi :-: who makes you laugh the most = ash :-: who is the most trustworthy = ash :-: who has the best house = Ali :-: who is the most daring = ct :-: who cares more about their hair then anything else = eric hahah ( u know i love u) :-: who is most likely to become an actress/actor = ashton already is one..seriously :-: who makes you cry the most = umm jake, fuzzy, but not on purpose. :-: who is the craziest = mishi ( i love u soo much) :-: who is the most flirty = uhh.. ct :-: who is most likely not going to call = definitly ERIC LAYER TWO: -- your heritage: irish,german,english, native american -- your fears: suffocating, and never getting married -- your perfect pizza: canadian bacon and pinapple -- goal you'd like to achieve: graduate. LAYER THREE: -- your most overused phrase on MSN: hahaha -- your thoughts first waking up: where is my MP3 player -- your thoughts at bedtime: sleep sleep sleep. ahh hello bed. -- your most missed memory: when boys were icky. LAYER FOUR: -- pepsi or coke: pepsi -- mcdonald's or burger king: BK -- single or group dates: depends -- adidas or nike: doesn't matter -- lipton iced tea or nestea: nestea -- chocolate or vanilla: vanilla. -- cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino LAYER FIVE: -- smoke: no -- curse: eh somtimes -- sing: all the freaking time! -- take a shower everyday: yeah -- have a crush: tehe yes -- do you think you've been in love: no -- want to go to college: yes -- like(d) high school: no -- want to get married: Some day -- believe in yourself: sometimes -- get motion sickness: yes -- think you're a health freak: no way -- get along with your parent(s): somedays -- like thunderstorms: if i'm with smeone -- play an instrument: yes LAYER SIX: in the past month... -- drank alcohol: hmm. no -- smoked: no -- done a drug: no -- had sex: no -- gone to the mall?: yeah -- eaten an entire box of oreos: no -- eaten sushi: no -- been on stage: yes, but only to cross it for a sec to get to my seat -- been dumped: no -- gone skating: ice skating -- made homemade cookies: yes -- gone skinny dipping: no (too cold) -- dyed your hair: no -- stolen anything: no LAYER SEVEN: ever... -- played a game that required removal of clothing: yes -- if so, was it mixed company: yes -- been trashed or extremely intoxicated:no -- been caught "doing something": no -- been called a tease: yes -- gotten beaten up: almost. and yes by ash but that would be called friendship -- changed who you were to fit in: no LAYER EIGHT: -- age you hope to be married: around 23ish -- numbers and names of children: 3 (2 boys and a girl) girl: adaya viahanna boys: corey ian tyler boy: malika harley -- describe your dream wedding: in a church. -- where you want to go to college: um ucla or USC -- what do you want to be when you grow up: graphic designer -- what country would you most like to visit: ireland LAYER NINE: in a guy/girl.. -- best eye color: green or blue -- best hair color: black -- short or long hair: medium ish emoness -- height: 5'8'' to 5'11'' -- best articles of clothing: i like black on guys. or brow. brown rocks -- best first date location:idc -- best first kiss location: in the rain! LAYER TEN: -- # of drugs taken illegally: none -- # of people i could trust with my life: like 8 -- # of pets you have, what kinds, names:dog buddie, and a hermit crab called THE ROCK and some fish....we have 5 pets -- # of CDs that i own: a lot -- # of piercings: 2 -- # of tattoos: 0 -- # of scars on my body: too many to count
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