it's hard to let go.

Listening to: black dalia
Feeling: unimportant
today was one of the hardest days ever. today was the funeral. it was a good funeral. he got a 3 gun salute [all they could get everyone was busy] and he got a flag and a flag folding cerimony. it was beautiful. something he deserved. haha when i got in the car i was like mom who were those blonde boys? and she's like umm u use to play with them when u were little. and i was like and who are they???? it was funnnnnny. so besides that. today was a very hard day...i don't think i have cried more in my entire life. ever. -bath tub time- im glad sitdiary is back up. =]
Read 3 comments
HEY! i didnt know you had a sitD! man, Ive had mine a little over 2 years. or a little under. i forget. Its pretty much my life. pretty much. i MISS U!! hee. if u've read any of my entries, then u know why im not at church lately. just feel weird right now. but i miss everyone.. things are pretty poofaced BUT ALAS! i have 5! 5!!!! jolly ranchers!!o man im stoked. anyways. how u been? whos funeral did u go to? whoever it was im sorry theyre gone
ps.. thats the coolest header pic. did u just find it? or make it? its kinky.
you are welcome.
i will help you whenever you need it.
you are my buddy.