My name shall be cursed

I worked at the Geyes tonight. Today they retired the Great Max Poulins Jersey #6. You dont even have to be a baseball fan to know this guy. By far the most popular goldeye of all time.

This year we have a new boss. His name is Brian. Ive seen him around but never talked to him. Today was the first day that i talked to him. He asked me to go to the liquor mart to pick up Tequila. He gave me his Jeep to drive and this card that got me the booze. I was sketched out to drive his jeep. It is really big and high up and ive only driven cars before... Its also sketchy cuz its the big bosses vehicle.

He always has his jeep parked in the dock where the trucks drive into deliver food and what not. This area is on a slope. He had his Jeep backed into this spot. I figured he did this to have an easy drive out. So i took the jeep and went to the liquor mart. Made it back safe and sound. There was lots of traffic in the parking lot as the game was pretty much sold out (over 7000 ppl). I couldnt back into the spot because of all the traffic and i didnt want to hit the sides either. (its a tight squeeze)

I brought the tequila in and took the elevator up to the sky suites. I got to ride with Max Poulin. Hes a super cool guy. He was very nervous because he had to speak in front of all the fans before the game started. He had his speech written on a piece of paper. I wished him luck and delivered the booze. The energy was high when he delivered the speech. Everyone loves this guy. I kinda look up to him too as we play a similar style. We both arent big guys and we both play the same position (short stop). We both arent big hitters either but we are quick and know where to put the ball.

Anyways enough about that... At about 9 pm as you all know, it poured outside. Well Brians Jeep didnt have a back window or any windows in the trunk area.. THe way i parked his car (not backing in) had the back up in the air (because of the slope). I now fear that the reason why he had it backed in was so that rain would not get into the vehicle because it would have been slanted the other way. Im not sure if my explanation makes any sense, but the way i had it parked the rain would have fallen right into his jeep. He should be finishing up at work around now... Hopefully its not a flood in his Jeep, and hopefully i still have a job tomorrow.. I guess ill find out in 8 hours :/

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:O quite the predicament!