hey pinky! Tell me what the letter said. . . or call me, that would probably be better! I just got back from swim practice so I am Really tired , blah, blah,..
Just to olet you know, I don't like JOhn anymore. (serious!) YOu probabaly don't believe me though!

Talk soon
hey.. this is sarah.. yea.. i wrote sams entry not him.. lol
hey bitch girl (jk, as you would prob. say!) I think that 'vanny gurl' just recently checked her diary and found your nice rude comment, I asked her what it was but she wouldn't tell me. I bet it was though! So we went and hiked the beehive today and got lost at least twice and it really sucked ass - it was SO boring! call me tonight!
you know what, I think that you need to write a new entry or something, it is very boring . . .
you shold write a very rude, signed comment to vg, that would be very funny