All About Me

1. What is your first name? Brittney 2. Were you named after anyone? Well at the hospital, my father heard the name and wal-la theres my name 3. Do you wish on stars? occasionally 4. When did you last cry? earlier 5. Do you like your handwriting? yes it is lovely 6. what is your favorite lunch meat? chicken 7. What is your birthdate? August 4 8. What is your most embarrassing CD? Elton John 9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with YOU? I guess so, I think I am kinda fun 10. Are you a daredevil? 11. How do you release anger? take a deep breath 12. Do looks matter? Not all the time....sence of humor wins me over 13. Where is your second home? yes my grammys house 14. Do you trust others easily? yes, my mistake 15. What was your favorite toy as a child? Barbie 16. What class in high school do you think is totally useless? Business Law, cause it is just like government 17. Do you have a journal? I have an online journal... 18. Do you use sarcasm alot? OF COURSE it is my trademark 19. What are your nicknames? Bitchin' Britt, Brattney, Jaybee 20. Would you bungee jump? 21. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Ahhhh....yeah 22. Do you think you are strong? Yeah, I can kick a little ass now and then 23. What is your favorite ice cream? ROCKY ROAD!!!! 24. What is you shoe size? 8.5 women 25. Red or Pink? perfer red 26. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? my teeth...i have a gap 27. Who do you miss most? my pet Abby, she is at home and I am here.... 28. Do you want everyone you sent this to send it back? Whatever. 29. What color pants, shirt and shoes are you wearing? pjs (12 41 am) 30. What are you listening to right now? my grammy on her bike 31. What is the last thing you ate? lunch 32. If you were a crayon what color would you be? orange 33. What is the weather like right now? a little damp 34. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? grampy 35. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? humor 36. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I really dont know the person but this is an okay questionaire....thank you mallory 37. What is your favorite drink? Pepsi 38. Favorite sport? Bowling, Billiards, football 39. Hair color? brown 40. eye color? hazel 41. do you ware glasses or contacts? glasses 42. favorite food? TACO 43. What was the last movie you watched? Theres something about Mary 44. favorite day of the year? August 4th 45. scary movies or happy endings? happy endings 46. summer or winter? neither...spring or fall 47. Hugs or Kisses? either one 48. favorite dessert? yogart 49. Who is most likely to respond? Tare 50. least likely? Danielle 51. living arrangements? DADDY 52. What books are you reading? Bird 53. What's on your mouse pad? raindrops 54. What did you watch on tv last night? Arthur 55. What is your favorite smell? my perfume 56. rolling stones or beatles? ROLLING STONES!!! ROCK ON!!!! 57. What is the furtherest you've been from home? Florida 58. Favorite Flower? Sunflowers 59. What do you drive? my friends nuts....I just a red wagon and use a steep hill haha 60. If you could have one thing you wish for, what would it be? Success....Make me the money!!! 62. Favorite time of day? Sleep 63. Favorite day of the week? FRIDAY 64. Ocean or Lake? Ocean
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