
Well I am going to take my driver's test next week so I am studing really hard to pass the test and those who know me really find that strange. I am in the proccess of buying my first car, and making an appointment to get auto insurance. I am going to take my test at IVY in two weeks. I have an appointment soon about my hearing aids, tuition, and other stuff. Turns out that I will have to take a 6 hour test... a pyshcological test. I am half deaf, not mental. hummm what else.... Oh I bought my guitar today and I cant wait till I learn how to play it. I really hate doing the dishes at work for closing because my hands looks weird...but I do them because I need to. I cant wait till the Willie Wonka movie comes out because Johnny Depp is freaking awesome. Well, I guess that is all for now. I will try to update more...adios -Brittney
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