update on me...

Feeling: hellagood
hihi so i've finished college and cant be assed to put much effort into getting a job. so, download weekend i didnt go out because, as i expected, it was apparently dead. so i went out last saturday (2 days ago) and it was quality, ill try and break it down into sections... Hannah reet, according to chew, this girl hannah has been into me for a wee while now, apparently i never talk to her, but with v. nice girls what do you say? Hi, your proper fine lady can i service that lovely body of yours? anyways i saw her in vies on saturday and she was like Hi to me, more than usual infact. so i complied, being all "Hi" back and shit anyways she was paying extra attention to me but again, with her being extra sexy it never really registered that she was interested in me. anyways Chew told me she liked me and i was like "woah, nice one matey" so we were at the entrance bit of Vies about 10 mins later and Hannah was there aswell, so chew being the forward person he is said "FFS will u two just kiss" and practically banged our heads together putting me and Hannah in a lip lock situation, so we kissed for a bit and i was like "WOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" in my head, but i tried not to show it. anyways she was having problems with some bitch called Nat, and Hannah was sat in a corner for variously long intervals of the night so being the gentleman i am i sat with her and tried to get her to get up an dance but to no avail. anyways Nat, being the childish fuck up that she is, was giving Hannah evils, walking past her giving her shit, shouting at her, giving her the finger now and again (which at one point i thought she was doin to me so i returned the favour) anyways in the end, me Hannah and Ginge were stood at the pit entrance havin a wee dance, and Nat came and stood near Hannah leaning up against the pit bars, im not sure if Nat was slying her evil looks or giving her shit but Hannah fair lost it and smacked nat. from where i was standing i thought nat had managed to actually dive back a bit to make the punch less hurtful (u know what i mean :P ) anyways Hannah fled the crime scene, and nat tried going after her but i restrained her until Hannah had fled. anwyays i manged to catch up with Hannah who was calming down in the toilets, there was me Jay and a few randoms in the toilet, anyways Nat, again being a childish bitch went and told the bouncer (Lenny) who was only doing his job when he escorted Hannah to the back entrance. it was hilarious when Nat and Lenny came into the toilets, Nats lip was fair busted (shame no piercings were torn out) could see the tears in her eyes (either that or sweat), and she was shouting "cmon bitch get the fuck out now" or sumthin like that... i mean how childishly irritating can u get? someone hits u, u dont go tellin the bouncers, maybe when your 6 in primary school and someone does it but not when your 17 or 18, ah which reminds me, she was also shouting "17 yr old in a nightclub) or sumthin, now i know Nats my age but im not sure if she's 18, so we might have to dig into that... anyways vies ended not so long after, me and alana missioned to taxi rank, Nat was on her way down with her brother who was like restraining her from going anywhere, anyways me and alana were walking past nat and her brother when nat said sumthin like "im gonna fkin twat her" or words to that effect and alana whitting said "HAHA, no u aint" which caused nat to shut her mouth :D :D, anywho we got to taxi rank where Lyndsay tried to hug me and kiss me, i simply pushed her away (she tried to getting in with me all night and was probably to drunk to get the message) anyways at taxi rank Lyndsay said sumthin to me and i responded with some OWNAGE sentence which caused alana to laugh her ass off (i'll have to find out what i said lol cant remember now) anyways Chew ended up giving us a lift home, chatted with Chew for a bit on msn then ended up round next door with my neighbour Ricky, havin a beer an shit til like 7 or 8 in the morning, staggered back home via the back hedge LOL so here i am now :D
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