Listening to: nada
Feeling: crappy
crappy. definitely the word to describe me right now. i'm so tired, but not to the point where i could fall asleep right now. which sucks. plus, mary ann is taking up the entire couch. >> right now i'm in first period - study hall. but i already finished my Physics homework, so i REALLY want to kick mare's ass off. ah she looks so comfortable. and the black people are blasting their rap music...blah. turn that off i wanna chill. tomorrow is santa slam! i'm so excited! it's also supposed to snow so i'm definitely extra happy! this friday courtney, candace, and i are going to Butler with Marlin and decorating my car with a shit load of christmas things...then we're driving around campus real slow blasting and singing christmas carols. haha oh i'm looking forward to a crazy night with my YL girls. :) last night me and court went to this YL christmas party thing and it was so much fun. Noah told one of his famous stories and it was probably one of the funniest things i've ever heard. me and adrian were dyyyyying. haha, oh i love that kid. man...i haven't hung out with adro in forever!! i love him. and jack was definitely looking good last night. ah! but nothing serious, as usual, just more of my stupid little crushes that i'll never do anything about. :) xo`car love.
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Feeling: psychotic
thanksgiving was yesterday and overall it was pretty good. the food was great. i slept by the fire like i always do after i eat a lot of turkey and then me and my family watched War of the Worlds which is a very scary movie, despite what i was expecting. my mom's old neighbor from when she had her shop in oklandon came over after we ate to eat some leftovers with us and have pie and whatnot. i thought it was really sweet of my mom to invite him because he doesn't really have any family to eat thanksgiving dinner with and he doesn't really have a lot of money. so that was cool. then later that night i didn't really feel like going out so i just stayed in a videotaped this movie that my brother and his friend wanted to make. i figured i would be nice to the kid for once. then todaaaay i woke up and took a shower and went to go get supplies to make shirts with kp, ape, nat, kg, maggie, and sarah. we all went to nats to make the shirts. they're really cute. on the front it says "juniors" in gold glitter and then on the back it says "betcha can't DO IT like us". haha. they turned out pretty good apart from the fact that we all lack artistic skills. tonight all of the girls that made shirts are hanging out together and we're gonna party big because my past two nights haven't been that great. i'm excited because i haven't hung out with these girls in forever!! i usually just see them every now and then at this should be exciting. well that's about it. peace
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Listening to: nada
Feeling: lovable
i'm feeling 'lousy' because i want to go back to sleep, on the couch in the yearbook room, but i can't because i have to do my APUSH and APLAC study guides. boo. the reason this is titled 'third times a charm' is because i have a major "crush" on someone that i've "talked" to two times before. ((yeah childish, i know)) but it's been bugging me a lot recently just because i know nothing will come of it because there is NO way this guy is going to give me a THIRD chance. [no this is not either of the guys from my 'fail' entry] as for those 2 guys that were mentioned...ah i still want to get with them. no i'm not a whore, i promise, i just like to 'meet' new people. yup. i know. after school today i'm def gonna try and go back to bed until Young Life. which probably won't happen because Court will want to watch The OC and stuff that she missed while she was in NC. oh well. maybe i can sleep during that. but yeah we have Young Life tonight...and all THREE of the guys previously mentioned will be there. hm. awkward? hope not. so....about those study guides. peace.
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F is for FAIL

Feeling: confuzzled
failure. why anm i such a fucking failure? i swear to god. whyy?????? why do i mess up everything godothat comes my way? why i ask you? because it's me!!! everyithing and anything that has to do with me just getts fucked up i mean...hello? can't i get some fucking happiness in my life. every person that i reallky like and really really think i could have a godo resltinaship i mean they just dissapear. like otnight literally...i'm about to go fori ita but i get cuahgt up dancing or whatnot and whaddaya know he fucking leaves!! like out of nowhere...i'm so pissed right now i could just punch the wall or something i dunno what else to do except take it out in my dairy man. oh my god i really liike am so pissd it s unbelievable. what is so wrong with me that no one likes me and no one wants to give me a chance? yeha i know i've dufcked oup a lot ofhitngs but what the hell i just wnna cry because i never have anyoen to dance with at parties and i t makes me so fucking angry....and wht the full., i fucking go to daivd coriatys little band show thing or music that i don't even like and what happens?!! oh thansk fo rcoming balh blah i'm a dirty slut. what the fuck man i mean i do so mucha dnocme to all or fyour stupid show things nad what do in return...the "lets just be frines" line. well your stupid just friensd thing can kiss my fucking ass because i fucking hate when people whicp that out. yeha let's just be friends...what the hell...i swear to god. i wish jsut friends wocould amka eout and just be cool and like hang out and stuff but eh doesn't even geive me the light of day and im like in love with the kid. and as for saen i mean what the shell sean you act so nice to me and hsit but you enver wanna hang out or do anythign tiand it pisses me the fuck off.,,no one even reads my diary aor comments or anyting so i dont give a FUCK who fucking reads it right now. teen drinking tisn't good. look at me? i'm a fucking wreck. help. that's really all i can ask for. help help.
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Feeling: bored
aw boo. courtney is gone, and i'm having withdrawals already. and it's only friday! tear. tonight i think me and cait are going to this benefit concert, and then to this party. maybe. who knows what we'll end up doing. since a lot of people are going to be at Fall Out Boy (grr.) i'm not sure there will be a lot of things going on. saturday should be better. hopefully. i'll probably just chill during the day. maybe hang out with someone special ;), and then saturday night i'm thinking about driving up to noblesville to hang with CASI cuz i haven't seen her in since elementary school. seriously. and then while i'm there maybe she'll show me around, meet some new people, visit ASHLEE! :) i love going to new places and meeting new people. it's nice to just get away once in a while. ah. i'm freakin' bored. i don't want to be here. i'm in yearbook right it's not that bad. then in photography2 i have to rush to finish printing my 3 photos, and then start my next project which is due soon. shit. i think i'm like almost out of paper. urrrrrrrrrrgh. then spanish 3 is also a bust, to say the least. annnnd to wrap up the day, in fourth period, pre-cal, i have to make-up my test. joy. now that's a big F right there. boo. i'm out. love. xoxo. me
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Feeling: bittersweet
right now, i'm really bittersweet. i don't know why. i'm like trying to be nice, but no matter what, it like comes out mean. and when i know it's bad. so i'll just try and keep my mouth shut, you know? but that's kinda hard. because if i don't talk, i get bored. and then the day goes by uber slow. plus, it doesn't help that the next two classes i have are Spanish 3 and Pre-Cal. i've missed the last two class periods of both of those classes. i'm going to be extremely behind. i know that. at least i know that i'm like 3 HW assignments behind in pre-cal. i'm not too sure about spanish 3. i'm usually good about keeping up with work in spanish, even though 3rd year is supposed to be harder than the rest...i'm thinking i'll do okay. i heard that we make our schedules for next year real soon...which is a little scary considering i have no idea what classes i want to take. i'm trying to keep a good balance between like bullshit classes and classes that'll look good on applications. also i'm still deciding whether or not i'm going to take spanish 4 next year, or put in another elective. also...i'm thinking about taking pre-cal over to try and get a better grade, instead of moving on to calculus. if i don't retake it, then i'm def not doing calculus...i'd rather just throw in like keyboarding or something. maybe take some real random like music class or something. i just realized that for some reason i'm babbling about school...and i should probably stop. but you see...i have nothing else to do right now. okay..i could be like printing my photos for photo2 (what i'm in now) because i'm ages behind everyone else. but we have "open lab" on monday and wednesday, and she said that if i need more time than that, then i can work on friday also during our guest speaker. so i think i'll be good. especially since i already have one printed...psh. we just got a new roll of film that's due next friday. joy. my camera is a ghetto piece of shit, so i always have to find someone elses that i can use. boo. i hate it. i wish i had a good camera so i good actually take my time, at home, to take my pictures instead of dashing all over the place with a loaned camera during first period at school. why am i so fucking poor? so i'm hopefully, most likely, cross your fingers, getting my own new computer for christmas. that would be like a dream come true. i love computers, and i love just writing dumb things...but since our computer crashes every other day, it's hard to save shit on there...especially for school stuff. alright well i'm going to gooooo. love to all. peace nigs. leave some comments....anybody!! xo`Carly
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Listening to: SOUl SURViVOR
Feeling: asleep
okay so i'm in yearbook right now. i'm tired as shit. my neck is still stiff. i don't want to be here right now. i can barely move. at least i still have my fingertips. psh. tonight at 7 i have a meeting for club soccer. then we have a soccer game tonight i think at 930 or so. OC, Reunion, and Alias are on tonight so there's going to be some mucho taping going on tonight. and i'm def not going to watch them tonight. at least...i don't think i will. right now the plan is to go to bed early. as early as i can. even though our game is late. :( ha. yeah right. who am i kidding? i'm not going to get that chance. i'll just have to wait until the weekend. sigh. tomorrow is friday. praise God. but there's absolutely nothing to do. Saturday is going to be tight for many reasons. the main one being that kristen is having her CEOs and Business Hoes party. yeehaw. ah. the bell rang. gotta go children. :) it's hell from here on out! leave me some freakin comments. anyone! xo`Carly
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Listening to: Collide-Howie Day
Feeling: bleh
i'm back! and @ school! yeah me! however, i woke up this morning...and my neck is stiffer than a white kid at the black expo (courtesy of Aaron). so aaron gave me a short massage. (10 mins.)'s still stiff. so i think he should do it again soon. :) thanks dave for the entry. beautiful. really touching. now i'll have to type one handed because i have to give aaron a massage. this weekend is kristens party! yay! i think the theme might be boot camp or something. which wouldn't be that hard to dress for. i'm hype!! hmmm...what else is new? LOST is on tonight! it's finally a new episode. random: but i can't wait until SPRING BREAK!!....let alone christmas break! ahh...just imagine sitting by the fire, curled up (maybe with someone?), eating snow icecream, having no worries...paradise :) OC is gonna be on soon. yaaay. i'm so glad LN faggots haven't blocked this site yet. sometimes i just need to let shit out, and because they blocked xanga, i was deprived of least during school. Collide by Howie Day is probably one of my most favorite song of all time. ah! p.s. hope everyone loves the new header pic. me (left) and court (right) with our pimpjuice on our way to King's Island! ALSO:: THE COLTS BEAT THE PATS!! YES BOYS!! I <33 OUR COLTS GUYS! ESPECIALLY STOKLEY. HES DEF GOT A NICE ASSSSS!!! :) that's all for now! holler and leave some sexxxx. :) :) xo` Carly
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Listening to: Panic @ the Disco
CARLEETA! ... its dave.... figured i'd add something.. Carly is the coolest most bitchin' person...EVER!!!!!! Pretty tired today, bout to take a nap i guess... Why am i so damn ...... sexy? hah .. jk...but seriously.... So i guess carleeta is in the bathtub with the ebola virus, and i hope she doesnt die on me .... because i dont know what i would do if she died...... probably find another cool person... hah jk again PEACE OUT !!luv ya carly
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well well well... okay so i was sitting here, being sick, and thinking about freshman and sophomore year and i was like...what in the hell was that diary called that we would always write in? and i found it. and i made my own. i know kat will be overjoyed because well...our entries from the previous dairy we had to say it? HILARE. so much has changed...and as i look back, it's actually rather sad. i miss those days...the problems we had then seem so small compared to the problems we have now. well basically i have like a stomach flu and i feel like shit. and my body hurts. especially my right arm since apparently they thought it necessary to take my damn blood. ugh. i hate it. but yeah...i'm gonna go chill in the tub and soak. because that always seems to make me feel better. MUCH lOVE TO All. p.s. i can't promise that i'll write all the time. but i might...especially since administration hasn't blocked this website yet. gosh, it's the only thing we got left! tear...i hate our school. xo`CarLYYy
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