I can handle that realism. However, I'm not willing to settle for it. Then I would deffinatley loose the purpose for anything. What is living if you only live for yourself? I guess some people want to give more than others...(love for family vs love for all humans.) I am proud to say that my ideas are still devoloping, so sorry if I am speaking from my ass.
i work at jack in the box
i eat soo much jack in the box that my stomach make funny nosies and my farts stink really bad!
really bad!
I remeber when you left a comment in my diary that said :"I clickded fuck me. Did it work?" and ohhhhhh boy did it work;) Germans did kickass at killing people:-p
Hello, Well I'm at school bored, bored, and well bored. What do do? Have a smoke. Yay! I have 2 cats, 5 kittens, and 2 dogs. One of my doggies went missing and I don't know if we'll ever see him again. :(
i remember when we went to a stake dance but got kicked out due to you not wearing a tie. we went to walmart and ran around instead and it was awesome. and we discussed making you a toliet paper tie, buying a little kid tie, etc. it was rad. i also remember the time we went to walmart and bought numerous things, including liquid mascara which i chewed on in the cart. it was great fun. and watching movies at your house. and summerfest.
Not the mention that fact that having a firm beleif can block out opportunities for change. Everything about us is dynamic, why fight it?
Remember the time when I posted this comment...
hmm the postal serive = love.

if only my postal serive cd wasnt in 3 pieces in a pile of trash and the dump.
what i would give to be listeing to it now.

sorry about the rambling. i tend to do it when im bored.
I remember a lot of things that aren't worth mentioning. I remember a lot of things that are. Like the way you shave down and then up, and the way you love girls in ties. The trips to Walmart and going on a snowcone run with katherine for you, mike, craig, and adam. I remember things like mariokart and valentine's day when mandy and i made you buy us tinyspicychicken and you couldn't eat solid food so we made you get eggdrop soup. i remember you.
I remember when I went to the youth group with Tori and you and Teresa where there, then Dave split all the couples up and I didnt like that.