All Apologies

Listening to: \"Lullaby\"-The Cure
Feeling: amorous
I just want to apologize to all those of you whom I've confused with my past couple of entries. My boyfriend and I were going through some weird patch. It's all better now. I feel like dancing to this song (Lullaby). It scares me, I guess that's why I find it intriguing. David (pictured above) is really into things like the Illuminati and the Freemasons. I had weird dreams because of him...
Read 20 comments
yeah he said some weird girl called him right in the middle of me licking whipped cream off his body!! :D -ashley-
i love that song passionatly.
Hey doll thanx for the advice, Hitting the comp. works wonders, lol..anywayz, I hope you don't mind but I added you as a friend,bye now.
hey how do u get pics off ur computer into an entry?? like the ones saved on ur computer?!? -ashley-
Hey ramble all you want its cool we all do it hey ever wanna ramble I will listen *muah*
hey, you like the cure, and i like you.
I unfortunatly have no idea who/what bikini kill is,
but perhaps I will check it out,
b/c new things are always good.
buuut, is that a him picture I see?
I do enjoy that.
hay sup.. well ya thanx for the comment.. well imma off to bed..nite nite
Why are you girls fighting over such an ugly individual?
thank ya 4 da kissies :) i luv ur journal. it's kewli!
My friend is obsessed with Ville Valo...
he is VERY hot n i think u mean my husband!??! lol -ashley-
thank you for the kisses
aww- its good you guys are better now..
i want a boyfriend.
waah :'(
Tankya urs is soooooo much better!! Mwah peace and prayers xxxx
i just had to come and comment you. i see your comments like everywhere, and im here to comment you back.


lol i saw your comment on abbi's diary.

aw thank you.
you're nice.
your diary is cool.
thank you
Thank you for the comment, ur layout is cool as well! I like that pic of the dude in the background.. LOL! Oh and I think I have heard Lullaby before at someone's house... good song.