Dancing With The Stars

Listening to: TV Commercial
Feeling: torn
I Had purchesed tickets for this Dancing With The Stars Concert coming to the Excel Engery Center this comming January for my woman so I purchased the best tickets I could get for her because she really wanted to go soo bad. Anyway HAPPY TURKEY DAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!
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Poem for my baby

To lay a kiss on your lips, so gentle and delicate is like picking the drops of dew off the petals of a rose. I hold you close and feel safe, sheltered in from the rain, from the storms that grow and surround me. I take your hand and look into your eyes and see a heart made of gold and soul so pure. You see you are an angel, an angel to me. I could not help but fall madly in love with you, the one who stole my heart. I’m glad you did because I could never find one such as you... Some one who makes each day the best, each laugh the longest, each tear the saddest, and a life, my life, worthwhile.
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Laptop For Sale

For Sale: BRAND NEW!!!! Toshiba Laptop With one year Toshiba Laptop Warrantee Totally Clean install from the factory. Intel Centrino Mobile Technology Intel Pentium M 1.86 GHZ Processor 750 Notebook Reads and Writes DVD’s and CD’s Software Included NEVER OPENED Power cables Never opened still in original plastic. 14 inch TruBrite screen with Harmon/Kardon Speakers 100 gig Hard drive Display Adapter Mobile Intel 915 GM/GMS 910GML Express Chipset Family Toshiba Software Modem Network adapter Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection Card Reader Firewire, 4 USB Ports, S Video, 1 PCIA slot DVD/CD controls Right on the top side of the console For pictures, questions please email Seth
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Listening to: 1, 2 Step Ciara
Feeling: abused
The Boy Next Door Random Gentle Love Dreamer (RGLDm) Kind, yearning, playful, you are The Boy Next Door. You're looking for real Love, a lot like girls do. It might not be manly, but it's sweet. We think the next three years will be very exciting and fruitful ones for you. Your spontaneous, creative side makes you a charming date, and we think you have a horny side just waiting to shine. Or glisten, rather. You enter new relationships unusually hopeful, and the first moments are especially glorious. If you've had some things not work out before, so what. Your exact opposite: The 5-Night Stand Deliberate Brutal Sex Master On paper, most girls would name the Boy Next Door as their ideal mate. In the real world, however, you're often passed over for more dangerous or masculine men. You're the typical "nice guy:" without just a touch of cockiness, you're doomed with girls. A shoulder to cry on? Okay, sure. But never a penis to hold. More than any other type, Boys Next Door evolve as they get older. As we said, many find true love, but some fail miserably in the search. These tarnished few grow up to be The Men Next Door, who are creepy as hell, offering backrubs to kids and what not. ALWAYS AVOID: The Nymph CONSIDER: The Maid of Honor, The Peach Link: The 32-Type Dating Test by OkCupid - Free Online Dating.My profile name: sgagnon
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Poem For Our Engagement

Day by day Night by night Kiss by kiss Touch by touch Step by step I fall in love A love so incomprehensible So vivid So unique So wild, that not even the reign of God could control A passion so deep A need so necessary A want so strong The universe would not handle I love you today I’ll love you tomorrow I’ll love you forever I lie on the ground, and stare into space, the stars start to move, into the shape of your face. I see you there now, looking down at me, with that cute little smile, that I like to see. You say "close your eyes", "tell me what you see", I see only two people, just you and me. We're walking the shoreline, with our feet getting wet, the horizon turns pink, as the sun starts to set. We make love through the night, on that white sandy shore, then I hold you while thinking, I could want nothing more. Oh I wish I could be, in that one special place, as I lie on the ground, and I stare into space... You are my air The sun in my day The moon in my night The spring in my step You are my everything. You are the stars in the sky The birds in the trees The shimmer, the sparkle, the shine. Without the light you put into my life I would be nothing A single leaf on the ground in autumn, Lost, forgotten, alone. Before i knew you, I was nothing. Now I am everything, With you at my side, I am invincible! Feel the same my baby, You are loved so much, I love you now and forever You are my darling, my baby, my love You are my everything I love you so much.
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Well everyone just so all of you know this weekend started out really good I went down to the cities on Thursday instead of Friday and I surprised my girlfriend. She thought I was coming down on Friday sometime around 11 or so. But I ended up getting here Thursday at about 4:30, which was fine she was surprised, sorta. Well since yesterday lots of things have happened. Today is Friday September 23, 2005 and last night was one of the greatest nights of my life. I did what I have wanted to do for a long time. Now all of you know that Teresa and I have been going out for 2 years and 7 months, well now we are engaged. I did it last night. Sorry John I didn’t tell you before. Of course she said yes, now I am one of the happiest men alive. Things have been going great keep posting things on here for me cause I am looking forward to hearing from everyone on this situation. College Boy Signing off
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My Weekend Will Be Great.

Listening to: Mandy Moore - Candy
Feeling: ecstatic
Well this weekend is going to be great. I am going down to see my girlfriend soon to be something else. . . . . . Hopefully, things couldn’t get any better. I am heading to the cities Thursday afternoon and I am going to surprise her at the dorms then I plan on taking her out to dinner. . . There are a few other things besides that. At the moment I plan on leaving it at that. When I get down there I will update everyone with all the details. Signing off College Boy
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Just for Fun

This is a joke that should bring you luck. An elderly woman walked into the Bank of Canada one morning with a purse full of money. She said wanted to open a savings account and insisted on talking to the president of the Bank because, she said, she had a lot of money. After many lengthy discussions (after all, the client is always right), an employee took the woman to the president's office. The president of the Bank asked her how much she wanted to deposit. She placed her purse on his desk and replied, $165,000. The president was curious and asked her how she had been able to save so much money. The elderly woman replied that she made bets. The president was surprised and asked, "What kind of bets?" The woman replied, "Well, I'll bet you $25,000 that your testicles are square." The president started to laugh and told the woman that it was impossible to win a bet like that. The woman never batted an eye. She just looked at the president and said," Would you like to take my bet?" "Certainly", replied the president. "I bet you $25,000 that my testicles are not square." "Done", the woman answered "But given the amount of money involved, if you don't mind I would like to come back at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning with my lawyer as a witness." "No problem", said the president of the Bank confidently. That night, the president became very nervous about the bet and spent a long time in front of the mirror examining his testicles, turning them this way and that, checking them over again and again until he was positive that no onecould consider his testicles as square and reassuring himself that there was no way he could lose the bet. The next morning at exactly 10 o'clock the woman arrived at the president's office with her lawyer and acknowledged the $25,000 bet made the day before that the president's testicles were square. The president confirmed that the bet was the same as the one made the day before. Then the woman asked him to drop his pants so that she and her lawyer could see clearly. The president was happy to oblige. The woman came closer so she could see better and asked the president if she could touch them. "Of course", said the president. "Given the amount of money involved, you should be 100% sure." The woman did so with a little smile. Suddenly the president noticed that the lawyer was banging his head against the wall. He asked the woman why he was doing that and she replied, "Oh, it's probably because I bet him $100,000 that around 10 o'clock in the morning I would be holding the balls of the President of the Bank of Canada in my hands." The origin of this Canadian story is unknown but it brings luck to everyone to whom it is sent. Whoever breaks the chain would definitely be unlucky. Do not keep this letter. And do not send money. Just forward it to five of your friends to whom you wish good luck. Something good will happen to you in the nextfour days. If the chain is not broken, you will have good luck during the four days.
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Waiting and worried

Listening to: Had a Dat - Sublime
Feeling: wounded
Well there are only two nights left till I get to see my girlfriend. But on this last Sunday night she decides that she is going to stay out late at the gay 90’s club as they call it. She knows that this club bothers me to all hell it isn’t the fact that it is a club or a gay one at that. It is just the fact that we never go out to any sort of club together or for that matter I don’t do anything without her when she is off at college. This would be the second time she has gone to this club the first time she went there I bothered her a few times during the night and she got pissed but tonight all I am going to do is sit her watching a movie and waiting for her to tell me that she is back to her dorm. So it is now 10:48 and I have to at least try to stay up till at least sometime around 1 am because all I do is worry about he constantly. I know she has fun at the club but I just don’t like it. Well I waited for her to call or text me till 1:30 then I was starting to get upset. But all of a sudden she texted me. I was relieved but still very upset. I know she needs her space and I understand so do I but I get worried. I finally was like “you were supposed to call me when you got back.” Then the phone rang a minute later. We talked but it didn’t seem she cared if I was worried or not. She asked me if I stayed up waiting for her, I lied I told her no. She knew I had school in the morning but I didn’t care I needed to know for sure that she was ok. Anyway now it is Monday and I am just waiting for her to come on the puter so we can talk even tho I am getting her tomorrow afternoon I just need to talk to her now. College Boy Signing off.
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Dying again??

Listening to: Will Smith - Switch
Feeling: aggravated
Well here things go again. Getting back into the swing of things, school, work being away from my love. . . . Then I get depressed. . . Every time she goes down to the cities for college she leaves me up here . . . Alone . . Sad and alone but to hear her voice is golden. I just got done watching Million Dollar Baby and the first thing I thought about was my girlfriend so I called her hoping that she was up and not sleeping. Luckily she was awake which I was relieved that I didn’t wake her up because sometimes she can be crabby when I wake her. I was in luck, she was awake and I was really relieved. It is really good to hear her voice, I can’t stop crying because I miss her so much. She is my life, my love, my soul. Earlier today I was talking to a friend of mine that just got engaged she has only been dating this guy a for a little over three months and things are going well. We are really close. A lot of my friends (that are girls) I am really close with. I have a friend in the cities just a few miles away from my girlfriend that is going to college and we don’t talk much anymore like we used to. I actually just got off the computer with her. She had to run cause she needed to finish some homework then take a nap and go cheer for a few hours. She leads a real busy life. On the other hand I work 40+ hours a week and go to school plus have time to do all sorts of other stuff. In all reality I cant wait to leave this place. I am planning on heading to the cities as soon as humanly possible. I know that sounds weird or mean but my dad can be a real big pain in the ass. I mean really, I just recently purchased a new ’05 Dodge Neon and he is telling me that I cant take it anywhere. The insurance is a real killer but still. I just ignore him and do what I need to do to get things done. I don’t really know, work sucks, all the time I am busy working, getting yelled at or something stupid. I don’t know venting on here sometimes helps me feel better. Anyway it is time to go for today. College Boy Signing off
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Which Saiyuki Hero Are You?

Listening to: None
You scored as Cho Hakkai. Hakkai is a big softie! Although Hakkai has a very hurtful past, he continues to love those around him. Hakkai does the right thing in any situtation, which in some eyes is a bad thing. Hakkai will do whatever he can to protect the ones he loves.Cho Hakkai90%San Goku65%Sha Gojyo55%Genjo Sanzo45%Which Saiyuki hero are you?created with QuizFarm.com
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After The Dance

Listening to: Without me - Eminem
Feeling: agitated
So we just got back from the dance and it was raining outside, not to heavy or anything just rain. There was this couple at the dance that I didn’t know but they were fighting. She was yelling at him and he was calling her names, she was crying and he didn’t give a shit. So when we stopped back at the college she got up in a hurry and I got up behind her and was being polite and letting her and everyone else off but this guy shoves me and goes right up behind her and all she can say is leave me alone. . . . Get away from me. . . . Stupid bastard. Anyway the dance was for the most part fun. We danced and had a good time but it is nothing like normal high school dances. But I know she had fun and so did I. I am getting ready for bed now it is around 12:30 at night or in the morning however you want to look at it. I still feel shitty for some reason, light headed and my stomach hurts?? Weird I know but that is just how it goes. I think before I do anything I will be taking some medicine or something for this then I will eat something. Ya that sounds good something that I barbequed from earlier today nuked in the microwave. Ya definitely sounds good and a nice big glass of iced cold water. . hmmmmmmmmmmm ya sounds really good. Anyway I just figured that I would update this again for everyone because you need to know what is going on Right??? College Boy Signing off for now. I love you my snuggle bug!
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Listening to: Jesus - Eve 6
Feeling: unhappy
Well things are great here I am now in the cities and I am getting ready for a semi-formal at my girlfriends college. Things couldn’t be better, or so it seems. . . . I mean everything is fine I love it here with her, we just got done barbequing for dinner and everything was great but now I am starting to feel a little nervous. I have never felt this way before. Maybe it is just because of tomorrow night, and the drinking party we are going to have. . . I don’t know something is bothering me. Not only that but I am upset because I bought this light pink shirt for the dance that matched her dress and it isn’t big enough which sucks. Anyways I am getting ready to go now and I think my girlfriend is almost ready to go to. So I will be back on later tonight or tomorrow sometime. Later for now, this is College Boy, Signing out.
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Awhile alone

Well where to start. John if you read this in the next few days or weeks things are going good for me too. I dont think life could get any better. I mean literally Teresa and I are still going out. Now it has been 2 years and almost 2 months so things are great. Just to update everyone. Still going to college for networking, I also had the oppertunity to work on the movie crew for the film they were working on in Eveleth Minnesota. Things are great. I had to oppertunity to meet some of the actors and had a lot of fun. For now I will leave it at that. Later
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Things are awesome here I have been and still am getting ready to go to the cities to see my awesome girlfriend. Things are going really well it is April 13 and I will be leaving to go to the cities this Thursday at 12 so I should be down there around 3 or 4 ish. I am excited we will be having a great time. There is a dance on Friday, and we are having a party on Saturday so things will be great. I told my girlfriend that I was staying down there till Monday but little does she know I will probably be down there till Tuesday morning sometime. Other than that I don’t have much else to say besides life is sweet. Two years and three months with the same magnificent woman makes me so extremely happy. Good times and great days. Have a great one everybody. Peace out, College boy
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Just a Reply so you Know

Listening to: Hit 'em High
Just so everyone knows my girlfriend and I have been together for over a year and a half. Also Brandon has been living in Montana for like the past 8 or so years so this still bothers me. I have talked to her before he came up here and all that just happended is we both got mad at each other and kinda fighted. Keep leaving me notes and questions I will keep talking and replying.
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Broken and Confused

Feeling: heartbroken
God I have so many things that I want to say, so many feelings I have bottled up inside but I don’t know what to say. So it all starts out like this, my girlfriend and I went out together after my choir concert and we went to Hardee’s for some food so we ordered, started to eat and we were talking about when Brandon comes up which would be tomorrow. Well we talked about it for a while then in this like rude kind of a tone she tells me that she has some bad news for me that Brandon her Best Friend of like 8 years and an ex-boyfriend from like 6 years ago is going to spend the next few night on her floor and I have nothing to say about it and I just have to deal with it. Just the way she said it made me madder then hell. I mean he seems nice and all but the way she said it just drives me nuts. Then on Tuesday she tells me that her brother wont clean out his room so she has to clean her room and again in this mean tone she tells me that Brandon is going to spend like the next few months on her floor in her room. Now someone please tell me that this isn’t just wrong I mean please. Give me advice, tell me what to do. How do I deal with this do I just let it go? People tell me not to, they say I should tell her how I feel and that the whole situation isn’t right, and that he should stay in a different room. But she promises me that everything will be fine and that nothing will happen between them and we wont change. Well here goes day 2 I am looking forward to these next few weeks to see what I should do. College Boy
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Listening to: Story of a Girl
Last weekend was like a sweet, awesome blur. All I can think of is my baby and how much I love her. Things are great between us. I got a chance to spend some of the weekend with her and that was awesome. I got out of school early Friday and went down to the cities to spend some time with my baby from Friday on till sometime Sunday. I got down there in record time on Friday at about 6 ish or so. As soon as I got there it was non stop loving. We were together like 24-7 and I loved it. We visited with Andy and his brother, which I though his brother was really cool. We ordered pizza and watched MTV with Andy then we went to the store picked up a few things and just chilled. She introduced me to some more of her friends and we chilled together all night. We didn’t go to bed till late when her roommate came back at like 12 or so that night so we just cuddled all night. Which was really nice. We haven’t cuddled in such a long time. Then we got up late Saturday morning about 10 or so and we both showered and got dressed cleaned her room a little rearranged things and just Baby I love you so much and I can’t wait till we get married. I hope you liked the things I brought you this weekend. Baby I love you so much sexy. College Boy
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Listening to: Lucky
Feeling: bipolar
Hee hee! I am having the greatest few days of my life. Last week on Wednesday we had to go down to the cities for our one act play competitions. So going down where my girlfriend lives was kind of exciting and all. I mean like I haven’t seen her in about 2 months and things were starting to get really rough not seeing her and all. So when we got down there I let her know right away and she had her friend Andy bring her over so we could see each other. I thanked him profusely. We visited and talked and hugged and kisses for like the next 2 ½ hours. Then she had to leave me to go cause I needed sleep for the next day. So the next day we were at St Catherine’s, an all girls’ college for our one-act competitions. It was awesome we got a plank and all so that wasn’t too bad (there are no first, second, third and so on). After we packed up and headed back to the hotel I told her that I would head over there since there was like 6 hours of free time to do anything we wanted. So I took a taxi over there, which took like 10 minutes. I was so happy to see her. We didn’t do much just hung out and was together the whole rest of the night we watched TV and visited people. I was having so much fun with her we haven’t seen each other in such a long time that the visit was really nice. I had to be back shortly after 11 so I got ready to leave and I called the cab company. Went back to the hotel and visited with the rest of the group. In the morning a few of us got up early and went to McDonalds to have breakfast, after breakfast they brought me back to the hotel where I proceeded to call the taxi company to get a taxi to go back and see my baby. I got there went up to her room, the door was unlocked cause her roommate had just left. I just entered the room and she was sitting there on her puter doing something. I just greeted her and gave her a kiss and said morning baby. Things went really well I was there for like 3 hours till I had to go back to the hotel and the caravan had to leave. Baby I love you so much sexy. College Boy
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Well, getting ready that night was fun. I had just gotten done hanging lights at school and I went home to shower and get ready. I was in the middle of showering when I remembered that I forgot to set up the camera and the mic for Grand March. So I took my tux to the school and I went for it. It was now about 2:45 I was sorta on time but I told my girlfriend that I was going to be on time today for her. Well I got to her house at about 3:30 so I was just a little late. I got to her house and I felt relieved cause she was just finishing getting her dress on. Whew. But we got ready and were out the door by 3:45 so it was no big deal. We went over to Target to get a few things and then off to the school to get our pictures taken. The line for the pictures was kinda long but it worked. We spent like 45 dollars on pictures, it is well worth it tho I mean come on I love her to pieces what else am I going to do with my money besides go to college and get a car and all that jazz? Well we skipped grand march, even tho we were in the building we just didn’t want to go, or at least I didn’t want to go she kinda did, I am sorry baby. We went to the dance and we really had lots of fun there. I got her a shell necklace that she had wanted from grand march. We danced the night away together. I didn’t think that the dj was all that good but ya that I guess might just be me. I think she had fun at the dance when we were there or at least I thought she did. Well getting off of prom now and heading to the AFTER PARTY!!! Well the after party was fun we left the dance, changed and just drove around for awhile. Then her mom called and wanted to know what we were doing and if we could come over to visit cause her cousin was over, so we went over there and visited for awhile and then we went out to breakfast. After breakfast we drove around together till like 3:30 or so in the morning then ended up being really tired and went back to her house by the time we went to sleep it was about 4:30 in the morning. I only got about 2 hours of sleep. Anyway I love you lots baby see you in a few days sexy.
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