...geez it's been a while...

Feeling: alright
yeah so it's been a while since i've updated this thing. so i decided that it was time to. how's everyone been? wonderful i hope. things have been going good in my life. i go out with a guy named Jaret... nd he's wonderful. His prom was last weekend and it was great. i had a blast. i got my hair done and then i met up with him and took pictures. then we went to go eat at Tulla's(very good..go eat there.) so next week is Spring Break...i can't wait for that. i'm going to Mexico, on a cruise. that's goin to be fun, but i don't want to leave Jaret here. i won't get to see him for 5 days (sad face). this weekend i'm going to my grandparents house..i think. not real sure on that one cause of the storms and stuff. i'm suppose to be in biology but i'm in the graphic arts classroom. well i better go now cause i need to get back to that borin class. i shall ttyl toodles
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hey sweets. whats shakin? :] guess who's gonna play volleyball??? hehe thats right! ME! :] weeeeeeee