stayed home

Listening to: none
Feeling: sluggish
hey, i didn't go to school to do cuz i really didn't even feel like getting out of bed and i just didn't feel like dealing with the ppl today. also, i am going to go shopping with my mom for x-mas and thanksgiving today and i would skip school for that anytime. plus the only reason really to go to school today was for comp class or to see my friends but a lot of my friends r away on family trips it being thanksgiving and all so, the friends thing is out and i looked at my teach's book and we really don't have anything planed for today in comp class so, that is out too. so, i u can see no reason to really to go today. but hey g2g. much love. Megan
Read 2 comments
well...hmmm...yeah! Hey thanx for the comment I like your layout also!
Ooo! You are sneaky arent you?

Thought I am so depressed that I wouldn't notice uh?

Well for your information I am not depressed, I was!

But right now I am just writing about the feelings I had

And you are only 15 what would you know anyway