what is it with ppl?

Listening to: be my escape
Feeling: amused
hey, ppl listen up i no what your thinking she ( meaning me) doesn't no anything cuz oh she is 15 but the point is ppl u can be at any age in your life, i mean any age where bad things can happen. its how this wonderful world of ours works. there r bad times and good times and at some points the bad overpower the good. and sometimes something can surprise and u see at any age someone can be wise, dumb, weak, strong, sad, happy, and most of all human. and that is the point i am making. much love. Megan
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You don't know me either so truce

GOod bye
Can we be friends
Me too, pretty much (: All of my clases are cut into random incriments of time I just hope I don't have to do any work (:
i can't stand when people talk down to me cause of my age [i'm 15 too]

thanks for the comment & happy thanksgiving :]