
So yeah, not a lot happened yesterday. Worked all flippin day and then chilled with a friend after work. Pretty normal day I suppose. And then work today and cleaning when I get off. Not a whole lot going on. I thought a lot about what I wrote yesterday. I sometimes wonder if I'm in these situations because I put myself there. Do I feel the need to put myself in drama so I can feel like my life matters, like I have a purpose. Could I be happy in a life with minimal "crisis"? Who knows? I have all sorts of strange attractions right now. I'm trying to focus on what makes me happy and the only things I'm coming up with right now is if I'm seen as desirable or I can make someone else feel good, once again, how I feel and what makes me feel good is getting placed on a back burner because I can't allow their feelings to take over mine. I understand that some of this may sound repetitive but it's going over and over in my mind and I just want it to stop and I can't. Maybe I do need that medication after all. LOL
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YES! Stewie rocks my socks.