R.I.P A.J.

** Today i finally stopped and took a step back and looked at why my best friend is dead i never really realized why people hated him so much and it drives me crazy cause i feel like i caould have done somthing...... could have told someone i did let aj move in with me and my mom until his dad came and made him go back home.......... he is dead because of his dad......gone left me and the worst part is that his dad is trying to blame the death on me tat i am a tease...... yet i have the bloody clothes when his dad hit him and broke his nose and the convos that he tellz me what his dad was doing to him i was his girlfriend it would have been 1 year today how could i just sit there and let his dad do that to him does that mean i was a bad girlfriend.... or did i do as much as i possibly could i feel as if i should have told someone but i wish aj was still here :(
Read 12 comments
No it didn't hurt but it did feel werid on my spine but that's it!--
aww that's sad muffin...yay! someone feels the same way...lol-cassie xox
Hey slut lol jk omg thats horriable i cannot believe that I feel sooo bad how did he do it again??? aww that sucks hun im sooo sorry!!!! so summmers almost here and i cannot wait!
have a good weekend

omg. that is the saddest the thing i have ever read. dont blame yourself. hope you feel better.
hey...im so sorry..shit happens u kno? well i hope u feel better.ive been sad and i kno a "im sorry" doesnt really help..but deep in my heart i say it..but hey atleast he is in a better place :)
i sdpillwesd weatwer all ovwer my kweyboarsd sdo it isd all fuxckwesd up
lol! its not weird i like to abrivate ss=summer school :)i like ur diary, volleyball rocks! yup yup i just got hit with one in the face today!
Wow...I dont even know you and that was really sad. I know how it feels to lose someone you love very much. No matter what the situation was, or who you were to him, you couldn't have done anything, it's not your fault. I'm sorry for your loss and I wish you the best of luck.
Hey Slut lol omg i feel really bad if u ever need to talk im her for ya chica

haha thanksd. itsd annoying wehwen im trying to IM sdomweonwe i havwe to go baxck ansd werasdwe all thwe unweantwesd lwettwersd sdo it takwes likwe 10 minutewsd to typwe onwe thing. hopwe you xcan rweasd that.. <32kayla
i love ur diary!-mel