haha KNow me

Listening to: none
Feeling: hardcore

!Random Quiz!

Created by KiTTy-o4x and taken 440 times on bzoink!

*Basic Boring Questions:
Birthday-January 31
Nickname-Squishy, Jello, hell to many
Eye color-Blue
Hair color-Brown
*Wishes & Such:
Person you wish could fall in love with you-hmmmm. . . Andre
One thing you want most-To be loved
Thing you've wished for the most-Not to be alone
Do you believe in fairies?Yes
Or angels?Nope
Are you in love-hmmmmm......
Have you ever been in love-grrrrrr.....
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend-YES!*!*!
If yes, do they treat you good-Yeah I have no complaints
What's the first thing you notice of the opposite sex-Eyes, and personality
Do you believe in love-If it's the right person
Or love at first sight-No
Ever had a one night stand-Yes
Ever fallen in love with a friend-NO
Do you believe in true love-Yeah I guess it could happen
*Friends: (who's the...)
Funniest-Thomas, and Andre
Most Trustworthy-Becca
Most Fun-Becca, and Andre
Rule Breaker-Andre
Cutest-Andre and Becca
Sexiest-Andre and Becca
Loudest-Andre, Matt, Thomas
Smartest-Becca, and Andre
Best Friend-Becca, Chrissy, Matt, and Thomas. . . Andre....
*Favorites: (Yes, more routine questions)
Song-Vermillion by Slipknot
Singer-Gaven Rosdale
Movie-House of 1,000 Corpses
Memory-My brother
Actor-Sean William Scott
Actress-Angelina Jolie
Restaurant-Fast Wok
Color-Blue and Black
Friend-Becca and Thomas
Place to hang out-The Emerson
CD-The Subliminal Verses
If you could write a book, what would you name it-Twizted Images of the mind
What would be the plot-twizted images of the mind
How many people would die-none
Would it be sad or uplifting-uplifting definitely teeheehee
Do you write poetry-Yes
If yes, what kind-Anything that comes to mind
Do you write storys-For english
If yes, what kind-mostly stupid off the top of my head shit
Can you draw-hell no
Can you sing-yeah for the most part.
Do you play sports-does dance and gymnastics count...OF COURSE THEY DOO!!!
Collect anything-dust bunnies
build-I do other things with my hands
blend-drinks at McDonalds
other (lol)-hmmm....you know
Are you a virgin-No
If yes, are you waiting for marriage-Yes
If no, when did you lose your virginity-16
Where did you lose it-my bedroom
Was it/Will it be with someone you love-yes
Someone you trust-yes
Do you dress "sexy"-nope
Do people think you dress "sexy"-I don't think sooo
Do you/will you use condoms or pills-condoms
Hugs are great, sex can wait?-That is very true
Do you label people-no
Have you been labeled-yes
Do you like labels-no
What are you labeled as-freak, devil worshiper, a.k.a, cool girl
Are all blondes dumb-ye
Do you like mexicans-sure why not
Are you racist-NO
Are you a risk taker-Yes
If not, would you like to be-yes
Truth or Dare-Dare
Are you the life of the party-Not really
Do people think you're boring-No
Summer or Winter-Summer
What's the most fun you've ever had-haning out at MIkes
Ever done drugs-hhhheeeehhhheee me drugs....YEAH
Ever drank alchohol-Yes
Are you drug free-NO
If not, do you think you should be-Nope
Do you like to have fun-HELL YEAH!!!!!!!
Do you like these surveys-yes they are fun and entertaining
Are you bored-No
Is mine any good-yah it's fun
Do you need a life-no[e
Should you be sleeping at this hour-nope
Have you ever tried to count the stars-yea it was hard. ..

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Read 4 comments
i will come and visit you with megan. we will eat food and be happy and fulfilled like big round italion men.
booger head

hi i like your diary and slipknot is cool
you love me you really love me!!!