27.stupid poem

Listening to: dc - hands down
Feeling: crummy

wrote this really fuckin loserish poem tonight...oi its dumb...


watch my life its walls fall down everything dead i depend on a knife constant pain inside my mind im not well im surely insane kill me, dead save me, rescue show me mercy from my head so scared watch me crying hope teared im screaming nobody listens slit my wrists blade gleaming blood runs fast so very beautiful until i die pain will last no other way let me out my torn heart the strings fray colours messed shades of black fire within truth confessed beaten down bloody and bruised cannot continue constant frown dying, weak death of me happiness found but cannot speak

.x. deathofme .x.
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make me happy.. add me to ur friends
aww...I'm sorry you feel that way. Well its not necesarily bad. I guess its just not 'healthy' but fuck being healthy.

It was actually a good feeling..

but yeah, have a nice day.
life has been pretty good for me...its just a routine now. I just feel happy everyday. It's kind of cool.

Haha, no one usually comments back and asks how my life is. It's a nice gesture...Oh wow don't I feel special now!

Hhhmm..so anywho...do you mind if I add you to my friends? :)