My Hobbies and some of Nick R's funny shit

Listening to: boned by blood
Feeling: happy
My hobies are smoking blunts with the homies and bustin caps in whities......and a little plain drums on the side but mostly bustin caps in whities Nick this thing is so funny and some of mine ------TAKE THE FOOTHILL QUESTIONAIRE------- 1)DO YOU WATCH ANIME!if so give yourself 5 pts 2)do you watch inuyasha?THEN GIVE YOURSELF 10 3)Do you listen to Emo? if so Then Give your self 20 points 4)do you bring a labtop to school? if so then give your self 30 points 5)do you like school? give your self 40 points 6)DO YOU SHOP AT HOT TOPIC OFTEN? if so then then give yourself 50 pts 7)Do you befiend teachers? give yourself 60 points 8)do you play yu-gi0oh then give yourself 100 pts 9)Are you straght egdge?if so give yourself 1000 points and go kill your self you have no reson for exitence, you are filty pile of shit you are a shit stain on the underpants of socity!!!! 10)do you rat people out to adults or parents? give yourself 70 points 11)do you go to school dances? if so give yourself 25 points bonus: do you listen to punk rock or heavy metal? then -15 points 0-5 pts. you dont belong at foothill cause you go to a different skool or you some how wound up at foothill by accident 6-10 you belong at foothill 11-15 sorry you belong at foothill but you are savagable to the cool people just quit being a fag and you could tizzite 15+ kill yourself any sugjesitons just tell me and ill chage it
Read 10 comments
ya dude

thats so damn true
hey dennis whats up man its jon. hows it going man, alright well later.
nice journal
ewwwwwww.. dirty mexican
ya man that sucks that you were sick.
haha your in the newspaper. thats funny. haha in the back of the "art and living section" haha have a nice day fucker
im sorry your not a "f" word. your a nice person. - grant haha
niceeeee surveyyyyy

love ur hobbies
Fuck yeah, dude. I got a zero.