Feeling: warm
well well well... this weekend? over all it was amazing. i am so glad that i got to see Holly last night. last night i found the burrito sleeping bag! woke up and man it was on. Uncle Ronnie? uhh no. you just wanna make up some excuse because i tickle conquered! you tried hard and i will give you that but you just dont have the skills that dr. neigh does. after that we played with our kid..........hermit crabs for a while. we decided it was time for their first baths. so now if we ever want to get myrtle to come out of her shell we know how. she LOVES baths. so does fletcher but he is never shy. he just loves climbing and stuff. i know what all else happened today and trust me it was so awesome but i am just so RIDICULOUSLY tired. i guess it is almost time to go get ready for bed. but i know for now it is time to get off this diary and talk to my best bud. gutten nacht! Christopherdavidneigh
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tickle conquered? of course you're going to win,you can wrap around me like a pretzel.. 18 ft tall! but you know i still let ya win ;) haha! thanks for everything,last night & today. i'm so glad that we're so close. i love you to death. you're the best!

Canada.. what??

-Holly :P