I FINALLY finished changing my brakes. It took a while but we finally figured it out. It was fun though. Atleast if I have to do it again I will know what to do. My grandparents flew in from California last night and we finally exchanged our Christmas presents with them. It was fun, I got a sweater and a 50 dollar check from them. They also brought me my gift certificate to Best Buy from my Aunt and Uncle and their two children who they went out to Cali to see. All in all it was a good visit. We got up this morning and all went to eat at Mike's. The Crawford's were right Mike's has AMAZING breakfast. It was so good! I was talking to Holly last night, she thinks I need to start reading more. I don't like reading see. My form of reading is my art. I do my intaking that way. I guess reading wouldn't be TOO bad of an idea, maybe I can get a subscription to Euro Tuner or European Car and read the articles in there. I find that quite interesting to read about. It's always good to read about what other people are doing to Birgen's relatives. (Birgen is my Golf) Anyway I think it's time to stop writing. I will update later.
Read 1 comments
yay for a great visit with your Grandparents & for a good breakfast & for figuring out all the brake stuff...BUT...
you can't just read from a magazine & get the same thing out of it compared to reading a novel or something intellectually stimulating. why do you think the articles in magazines are so much shorter than they were back in the day? because nobody is going to take the time to read it.
do yourself a favor and read a book >:( LOL