what a day

HAPPY MOTHERFUCKING ST. PATTY'S DAY EVERYONE!!! Today's gone pretty well which is great becuase I was worried about it. This was my grandfathers day. He came from a 100% Irish American family who worked hard in the coal mines to get the bear neccessities. St. Patty's Day became a day to get a little treat and to learn more about his Irish haritage. He kept that going for my dad and then for me. It's never been a drinking holiday for my family, it's actually always more about the kids. It's a day to spoil the kids in the family a bit and play tricks on them. I always had my shoes moved or other such little pranks pulled on me by my "leprechaun", even though now I know it was really my mom and dad. We woudl get little notes and some candy and like a small toy. My grandfather would tell me facts about Ireland. We would visit him and the whole family would try to get together for a little bit. It made me happy and gave me a strog sense of my family and how hard everyone's worked. I've always been proud of my heritage and it's been mostly becuase of my grandfather. So yah I do "get my pride on" and wear green and get excited. I don't drink, though I could tonight, becuase thats not what it's about for me. It's family, and knowing where you're from and being proud. I miss my grandfather a lot today. It's been a good day though, thank God. So May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields and, Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand. May St. Patrick guard you wherever you go, and guide you in whatever you do-- and may his loving protection be a blessing to you always. two Irish blessings for everyone, even if you hate the holiday may you still be blessed.
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Hail Almighty Irish One!