Today Sucked

Feeling: bad
Today sucked so bad, my parents went in for a conference with my teacher and the teacher said that i talk to much when really its this stupid fucking nazi dick fuck in my class that pisses me off! i wanna punch him in the eye! Now i have my guitar, TV, and stuff taken away, and i cant do anything for the rest of the whole motherfucking summer!! shit fuck!! fuck!! On Friday we had thisd fat-ass lazy fat-ass bitch stupid fuck sub, i dont remember her name, all i remember was that she was fat!! Out of the whole fucking class she picked out me and Joey for talking. We were also spitting spit-wads at that Derek kid, there was 3 other people doing it, and me and joey were the only ones that got in trouble with it!! It was prett funny spitting those things at Derek though, we nailed him in the back and it stuck to him, and i nailed him in the head a couple times, I got a few juicy ones that hit the back of his head, by the time the period was over, spit wads were all over the floor!! So ya, everyone was planning to go to Huricane Harbor this summer but now i fucking cant!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK piss FUCKFUCKFUCK shitpiss FUCK!!!!
Read 15 comments
your still in school??
aw brennen, i love you too. sorry about the parents being stupid and all. hopefully it'll blow over and they'll forget about it. if not we'll initiate operation save the dude
really???????????????????? cool. can you go over to arroyo verde park tomarrow?
hey man that really sucks a lot, i guess i'll see you around, bye bye
i feel ur pain. i'm grounded till august.
oo i dont have aim..meh o well u seem cool lol good bye.
im sorry to hear you cant go..hopefully things cheer up:)
You'e guitar taken away!? A punishment worse than death.
that sux so bad..teachers suck forreal..i cudn*T help laughin when i read the part about yu & the spit-wads tho..evn tho its a lil bit mean!..but funny..maybe yu can convince them to giv ur stuff baq..wether its doin sumthyn for em or pretendin to be a good kid..good luck
well keep spitting those spit wads show them nothing could tame you--tim
i have a fender..hey do you have msn?
you sound like you need a hug. check the mail for report cares they are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got mine.
Wow, that totally sucks!!!! i would die if i couldnt play my bass so i totally know how you feel! stupid teachers, there out to get us!! yep..well you can add me on your friends list is you want