
Feeling: complete
I think, no, I know, there are many misconceptions about Christianity. When 'non-believers' hear the word "Christianity" an image of some crazy person shoving a Bible down their throat, telling them to not do certain things while doing those things themselves. In otherwords, I think many picture hypocrites. I cannot stand hypocrites, but I especially can't stand Christian hypocrites. I am a Christian, for those of you who don't know, and a strong one at that. (Well, I try to be as strong as humanly possible anyways.) One of the most frustrating things to me is how distorted the image of Christianity has become in non-believers as well as believers. So many people think that it's all about following a bunch of stupid rules that suck the fun out of life. "Fun-suckers" can be another name for Christians to some people. And I'm not gonna lie, there are some fun-sucking Christians. But I think that those Christians have a very distorted view of Christianity. Being a Christian doesn't mean not having fun--in fact, it means having fun in the best and most fulfilling way possible. And it's not about following a bunch of rules, either. Yes, there are "rules" to follow, but there's a reason for them, and if you break them it doesn't mean you're damned to eternity in Hell. Everyone sins. Christians, non-Christians, Buddhists, saints, the Pope. It's inevitable because we're humans and we're not perfect like Jesus was. Ahh, I'm sorry, I think I just got a little preachy, which is what I'm trying NOT to do. I think there are too many preachers and not enough actioners out there. Does that make sense? I hope so. I also hate the word "religion" and it's affiliate "religious." Way too many get caught up in those words. Being a Christian isn't about being religious. It's about having a personal relationship with Christ, and I think people, especially Christians, forget about that sometimes. And way too many people spend too much time trying to "convert" other people than work on their own relationship with Christ, and that's how hypocrisy can start taking effect. Now, don't get me wrong, spreading the "good news" is incredibly important--that's one of the main things Christians are supposed to do, but note that I said SPREADING, not shoving it down throats, or judging people. God is the judge, not us. So I guess that's basically my 2 cents. Take it or leave it, I guess. And I really hope I made sense. So yeah. There ya have it. Have a great day kids! :) ~Emmy Lou
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