English paper

Poetry: Truth in its Sunday clothes? By: [my real name!] Brought to you locally by punk rock and techno So many great works have been done over the course of human history. Many of these works are under the literary style of poetry. What is poetry though? Common definitions are what poems consist of: rhyme, rhythm, meter, and basic concepts that you see in works ranging from Robert Frost to Iggy Pop. There’s another, more technical part to it though. Human truths, emotions, expressed through words. This brings us to the word “truth.” Obviously a truth is the absence of lies, a recollection of what really happened or is. Truth is a constant that runs parallel to falsehoods it seems. Poetry is this constant captured and pinned down in ink. The truth in poetry isn’t the same as telling your parents that you broke the vase and not your little brother, it’s a different kind that defines who and what we are. It’s the writer’s inner thoughts formed in ways that can be interpreted in a million ways by one person and a million ways by another. The way poetry is truth in its Sunday clothes is that it’s the cleaned up, pretty-to-look-at form. Truths by themselves can be pretty ugly but when put into the form of a poem they can seemly change drastically in contrast. A poem about the brutal, bloody experiences of a man at war can seem look like a field of flowers if made into poetry. A great example of this is the work of popular poet Edger Allen Poe, he wrote some of the darkest tales that seemed (slightly) lighter due to the poetic style of his writings. Poetry is truth all dressed up an ready to blow some minds.
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Listening to: Beck - Where It's At
And then it was over. Jacklyn dumped me. Oh well, shit happens. I don't want anyone to apologize for her doing this either. It isn't your fault, it's her's. She can't come to terms with certain things and is confused about a lot right now.
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All you need is love.

Feeling: infuriated
Well, I haven't posted anything in a while so I might as well say that I feel great. I've been in a natural high ever since me and Jack(lyn) started dating. I love this girl. Just sucks that we don't go to the same school and rarly see each other but when we do it's wonderful.
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Listening to: Drama teacher ranting
Well, I'm feeling better. I'ma try and go to the Hermitage homecoming game tonight. I invited a girl named Jack to come. She said she would if she could get a ride. I'm also going to Hermitage's homecoming dance. Those fucks don't get one but two, TWO days of me!
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[no title]

Haven't felt like this in a while. So let down that the rope's cut loose. Choking on the bitter taste of stale memories. I don't want to revisit. Wait. Hold it. Freeze frame. Rewind. The "let's be friends" is the same as the last three times. Maybe I'm just plauged with unluck. She gave up without even a run.
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I can live up to my joke name. See?

I'm going to whine for a spell: Well, the girl I'm currently hooked on doesn't like me but seems to like someone else. Yeah, I know, story of my life. I guess that my feelings and desires are simply unimportent. I can just never win. I guess that's what I get for being a "nice guy." I just don't get it. Women say that they'd like a nice guy but then they throw themselves away to the biggest jackasses they can find. A moment of my track record: Kelly - didn't work out. I stupidly ended it. Crystal - Cheated on me because I "wasn't fast enough" Michelle - Dumped me because I was "too nice" Brittany - Never got off the ground because I wasn't a jock. Cera - Don't get me started on our fucked up relationship. She's happy with Andrew anyways. They desurve each other. I just can't get what I want. I want to beat the hell out of the Rolling Stones right now too because that song "You can't always get what you want" is stuck in my head. That may be true for some people but not for me. I can't recall a single time I ever got what I wanted. And I think the one thing that confuses and frustrates me the most is the fact that she says she's looking for someone a lot like herself. And from what I've seen, we ARE a lot alike. We like the same things and hate the same things. I wish I was asexual sometimes. This shit really pisses me off and depresses me at the same time.
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Beat on the brat with a baseball bat.

Buh. A little down. I've finnaly come to terms with what's wrong with me. I have created a Heaven for myself that I want to share with someone else so much that it's become my own personal Hell. I should stop lieing to myself with the notion that i need someone else. I don't need anyone. I can still stand on my own. I can balance my own chaos. I'd say the best thing about this revelation is learning that angst won't last. Best thing I can do is abolish this confusion now. Grow stronger faster. (neat. new tag line)
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New project.

I am embarking on a new musik project. This currently un-named endevore will me a post-hardcore experimental project. I will begin fully when I can locate a used drum machine. More news on this as it matures. In the mean time, check out some cool sounds at: www.thehungryi.co.uk and www.frontalot.com
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Stupid girl

Don't you get pissed off when someone asks for your help but then won't let you? Yeah, pisses me the fuck off. I was asked by someone to help them with their delemia and the she wouldn't let me! Oh well, she doesn't desurve it.
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Poser Satanists are oh so cool

"i fucking hate you goddamn emo kids. [pukeworm]" I'm impressed. Someone who knows nothing about me uses a label on me. Ignorence is fun! But that's not the only thing. He calls me an emo kid (probably based off my name (which is a joke name anyways)) yet he uses sitdiary, the most emo-fucking web blog community ever. Also he has an inverted picture of Yeshua of Nazerath yet he uses the term "goddamn." And that's just stupid...and horrid gammer. Pukeworm, you fail. Nice job picking an obvious name to show off your suckage. You could atleast be cool like us punk kids that do stuff like this just for the shear joy of seeing ignorent metal kids who are mad at their parents stumble to insult us and fail misserably. That's right. I SAID IT! Punk. Guttermouth, Iggy and the Stooges, Black Flag, Mudhoney and a ton of other stuff you've never heard of. Clean up you mouth, wash that black shit out of your hair, listen to music that isn't shit, and learn that no one cares about you. No one cares about your lame ass opinions and no one ever will. Get out of here you wanker. I hope we can do this again sometime though, I had fun. EDIT: Oh yeah, acually read the Satanic Bible, puke stain. Learn respect too...respect is importent for stuff..like life.
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I don't know what I'm going to do....I think I'll just ask her for contact information like her screen name or number and get to know her a bit better. And The Hungry I rocks. If you got a Myspace check the dude out. He'll rock you heartless.
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Aw man.....

Listening to: air conditioner
Feeling: neurotic
Man...Finnaly know the name of this girl and now I'm nervous. I don't even know why. I guess it's just the chance that I might see her on my way to my next class... BTW: Air conditioners make some phat beats yo!
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Back with a hemorrhage!

Listening to: Latin class banter
Well, Emodave is back up with his punk rock tunes and hate for the mainstream. I'm in a new school this year; my high school got switched to a sucky one. If there's one thing I've learned is that there *are* dopplegangers. They're right here. Like lame versons of people I know. Be wary of this: At other schools there are people like your friends, only lame.
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The light returns...

I'm begining to feel a lot better about myself. I have Cera to thank for that. I don't know how long we talked on the phone but I'm glad we did. I love you Cera. You are a great friend. Thank you for everything. The website that me and the infamous WindRider~ have been getting ready is coming together. I just hope he doesn't try and do any code while he's high. That might not work out too well...
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The slow descent

It's getting rougher. I can feel my being slowly unravel around me. I closed my eyes today and forgot where I was. The world dissolved around me and a new realm appeared before me. When I opened my eyes the new world fell apart and the one I've grown to dispise resurfaced. Disorrentation filled my head and memories came back in an instant. I'm so very tired right now. I fear that if I sleep I will not wake up or not wake up the same person. I've been awake scince 5AM of yesterday. The human body isn't ment to stay awake for 24 hours after a stressful day. I must sleep. I can't be scared.
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There's nothing left.....

Human should be a mood. It's all I feel now. There is no heart left. No love. No hate. No joy. No Sorrow. No pain. No extacy. Nothing. All emotion has been expelled like a kid smoking pot in school. I don't even feel cold from the absence of the emotions I preached about cherishing only a few hours ago. I'd like to take back the first stament. I'm no longer human...at least not for the time being. I'm certain that in time my emotion will flood back with enough force to cause me to pass out in the heap of blood, bone, and flesh I've become so acustomed to over the years. I don't want them back though. I hate the thought of the hells I've been put through by them. I would rather be alone and comatosed for the rest of my rotten days. I remember a time when I felt love as a wonderous thing that was the greatest feeling a boy could ever expiriance. But no....I know the world around me too well now. This may seem a little irrelevent to what I was saying before but it is a big part. I'm just not up to the task of loving someone who will never love me back. No one dissurves the pain I have gone through with simply learning. I also remember a time when hate was so high in my mind and I was hated as much as I did others. It seems that people still can't except this repulsive bipedal demon of a man in their world. I just can't continue to raise my level of hate to even it out. I feel no fear. I feel no courage. I feel no pride. I feel no regret...
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