
i find peace when im confused i find hope when im let down not in me but in you summers over...it was a good one and im sad its over!! =( im also not too excited about school since its so diff but oh well! went white water rafting with conner rachael lauren and jeremy on sunday! it was so much fun!! so glad we got to go! i love them SO SCHOOL...yeah my sced doesnt suck but isnt that great! my lunch sucks but at least i have a few friends. yeahh but tomorrows friday so i wanna go see SKELETON KEY or do something really fun!! its supposed to rain like crazy which sucks. today was a pretty good day i guess! woke up, went to school, my feet killed in my darn boat shoes, went to my classes, did that crap. jeremys not in my lunch class anymore which sucks! but whatever, now i sit with alex w alex b weslsey carrie c and hannah b. i already have a lot of crap to do for school which is dumb but i gotta work hard this year!!! im gonna go sleep or watch tv!
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i LOVE relient k! :) haha.. i like the sun tan lotion pic.. :P lol
yeah, summers too short. cu at school
haha that was funny, "i have to work hard at school... well off to watch some tv and lay around!" ahahah hope school's going good for ya! i miss you in lit!