4 - Drop the douche!


Apparently when I indicated that this would be updated often, it was sporadic at best. Oh well.

In any case, the Fierce Deity has returned.

With a lot of revelations since the last time this was updated.

People still suck, and they're still morons, but I have a genuine hatred of people that was even worse than it was even the last time I updated this thing.

Through all the ups and downs of life I've noticed one common factor throughout all of the human race: We're all idiots. Myself included. I'm not about to start ranting with a "Holier than thou" attitude, because I hate people like that.

Like men who spin lies and wild stories about themselves to attract women, only to have the girl fall in love with the story they are, not who they REALLY are. When it all crumbles down around you, you have nobody to blame but yourself, shithead. Why not just tell the truth? Is it REALLY so hard for people to just be honest? My God, to tell the truth in ANYTHING that people do nowadays is as rare as finding someone who actually uses common sense when making a decision!

And women who are just plain dumb.

Before I go any further, women are NOT dumb. Like most men, children and elders, some of them just have the IQ of my desk.

As a "for instance", girls who knowingly date douche-bags. The fake-tan motherfuckers who wear American Eagle trash and those bug-eye sunglasses that are traditionally worn by women (ie. Jersey Shore type guys). They party endlessly, and when they catch their boyfriend with some other dumb bitch, they cry for WEEKS and claim "he was such a nice guy!". Uh, no he wasn't lady. I hate to burst your bubble, but your man was a DOUCHE. And then you know what they do? They take him back. And he does it again.

Its a vicious cycle, one that repeats endlessly.

Its no wonder that the genuinely nice guys out there get the shit end of the stick. Nobody ever gives a genuinely nice guy a second look!

Because as much as people suck, there are nice people out there. There aren't many of them mind you, but they ARE out there. Nice men and women who would never lie to their spouse, never say mean things, never get drink and hit them or abuse them at all.

But the constant stupidity of the human race keeps bringing us around to the people that will treat others like shit. Why? God only knows.

I refuse to believe that the Good Lord upstairs put the human race on the planet so we could be treated like shit.

Because Lord knows that women who date douche-bags and are thusly treated bad by one are the ones that make those e-mail forwards like "20 Things an amazing guy would do" and other such tripe. If they want a man to treat them right, like the e-mail says, GET RID OF THE DOUCHE-BAG.

Christ on a bike!

Does that confuse ANYBODY else out there, or is it just me?

And there's WAY more to this complex net of morons. I have scarcely scratched the surface. But that is another rant for another time.

I can't possibly rant about this anymore without giving myself a stress-induced headache.

God people are stupid.

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