6 - Vegans

Vegans! God damn Vegans.

As part of the most hypocritical group of people on the Goddamned planet, Vegans believe it is their God-given right to look down upon other people's diets, and people in general. What is it about being a Vegan that makes you such an asshole?

Beats the hell out of me.

The worst is when those PETA members get their panties in a bunch about KFC for the millionth time in the last month or so, so they gather their signs and protest out front of the closest KFC they can find, hoping to change the way things are done.

KFC as a corporation rakes in untold amounts of money each year by feeding deep-fried goodness to average folk who just want to eat some dead animals. Do they really think that a handful of teenage girls protesting out front of ONE store is really going to make them sit back and rethink things?


And what's worse? Their Goddamned stickers and posters that they paste everywhere, trying in vain to gather support.

When I was in high school, one of them once covered my locker door in stickers, for whatever reason. Possibly because they knew I was a carnivore, and thusly awesome. I eventually found out who it was, and had the bastard suspended for vandalism.

Why am I such a dick?

I had the decency to keep my opinion to myself. Vegans are the most opinionated and downright furious, bat-shit crazy group of people I've ever known. I cannot fathom what they think gives them the right to throw buckets of blood on people, and draw horrific posters and comics.

And they think I'M a dick because I eat meat and keep it to myself?

Fuck you.

And I bet they never took a look at what went into all those fancy clothes, shoes and things they wear. There isn't one Goddamned thing they wear or even eat that doesn't come from an animal. Animals, even the smallest of pieces, are in EVERYTHING.

Those plants you eat all the time? Fertilized by soil filled with dead animals.

Those boots? Leather.

Pants? Filled with cotton fibers from animals or plants fertilized by dead ones.

Has it even occured to them that plants are living things too? When they give me shit about eating animals, I like to give them shit about printing their posters on thousands of dead trees that are brutally hacked down and flattened into paper. When they retort by saying that animals live, eat and breathe, I counter by saying that plants also live, eat and breathe.

Maybe not in the most conventional sense, but it is fact nontheless.

The result? They get fed up and walk away while I gloat in victory.

I win.

Normally I wouldn't care, but the fact that they're so Goddamned opinionated and vocal about it pisses me off. I can't stand being in a restaurant, and a Vegan gets a plate of food that someone forgot to take ONE piece of meat out of, and they announce loudly to the whole building that they're a vegetarian and REFUSE to eat any meat at all.

You know what bitch?

No one cares.

Now shut up so I can enjoy my steak.

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