
Happy Marketing Scheme for Candy Companies Day. Even as a youngin' I felt this holiday was moronic. I have a whole bowl of candy in the kitchen. All I did was swipe my debit card. I didn't have to dress like an idiot and walk for miles.
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sisterly bond.

Figota5: They're starting to make Skittles bags re-closeable, now. Figota5: Pretty convenient. boots n plaids: finally... they should do-away with the re-sealable sock bags now boots n plaids: who is gonna have stale socks? boots n plaids: no one. Figota5: Bahahahaha. boots n plaids: seriously... bring the seal from socks into pop-tart packages boots n plaids: i dont always want 2 boots n plaids: so what do you do with the other one? you fold the wrapper in hopes no air can get in a fold boots n plaids: but it does and its stale by tomorrow Figota5: Well, you could fix your own problems and put a ziplock bag in the box. boots n plaids: .............. that's not the issue at hand. Figota5: Sure it's not. boots n plaids: you shouldn’t have to put forth that effort. boots n plaids: first of all, who puts the socks back in the bag after you buy them, and second of all, even if you did, there is NO need for a seal. That's wrong on so many levels Figota5: Well, perhaps the people at Poptart Inc think that everyone eats both poptarts. You should write them a complaint letter. boots n plaids: tell them I don’t always have a pop-tart craving buddy in toe? Figota5: Bahaha.
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I was chatting with my sister and we stumbled across some startling facts regarding toys and how they've dramatically changed over the years. In what ways, you might ask? One of two things. Either, A. Children nowadays have resorted to eating their belongings B. It has taken toy companies until the late 90's to care that children are in fact, eating their belongings. Every toy that used to be very small is now much larger and usually a different material. Take Polly Pocket for instance. This is the old Polly: and now this is the newer Polly: Notice the size and material change. She is now made of a gummy type substance and perhaps should re-marry due to the fact that she is larger than the average pocket. Moving along.. Barbies were a short-lived past-time of mine as a child. I mainly brushed their hair, dressed them, decorated their houses, and said "to hell with it" but that's beside the point. It's not so much multi-tasking Barbie I'm after.. It's her ex-hubby, Ken. It seems that Ken has taken some dramatic changes lately as well. Had this man have been real, one would assume this individual has gone completely insane. Take a look at Ken's early years. Perhaps this is when he and Barbie were considered "cool" among popular crowds. He and the Misses were care-free. During the years after, the non-aging duo had many matching swimsuits, formal affairs, and much more pink furniture than your average middle-aged couple. Ken even took on a full-time job and won an Olympic medal. He started to slip, however, and his character took a beating. He tried more of an “edge” by taking up an interest in motorcycles. He then failed miserably. Apparently Barbie wanted nothing to do with this new-wave Axl Rose look-alike, and found romance elsewhere. Ken, heartbroken, realized he had other interests.. in other.. directions. Ken later realized how happy he was in his new form and openly accepted a much more feminine title, “girl.” .... just a thought.
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Cop on right: “I’ve got the driver in custody already. Can you handle the rest?” Cop on left: (talking to man on ground) “dude I asked if you had any needles..” “Oh, what? Yeah, I got it.. To think, he thought he could get away with mailing seven African American men. Cop on right: *stares blankly*
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just a thought.

Living in an apartment building has its small flaws. For instance, I don't enjoy cleaning out the lint trap in the dryer, much less that of someone else's. Also, I had the fortune of observing an elderly handicapped man pulling in and out of a parking spot. over and over again. Quite the perfectionist parker, are we? the latter humor makes up for the previous 2 second inconvenience.
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Why is it that whenever nature calls for this oh-so-feline friend of mine, her grotesque odor makes a bee-line journey straight for my nasal passages?!
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outlet noodle man

Why is it that whenever I plug something in, the first try is always wrong? I have a 50% chance of correctly placing the plug into the outlet and still, I fail miserably at this task. This confuses me. Much like this guy: I'd like some food. Those ramen noodle cups are so not filling. And they're freeze dried. I'm no noodle eating astronaut.
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Here I am.

From where, you might ask? Or maybe you might not ask. I've had other sitdiaries before. You may remember "because" or "taraluvspunk" or "666" ..or maybe you dont. Carry on. I'm thinking about writing a paper about how much I hate Wal-Mart. Yeah. ...yeah, someday. Oh how the hatred fuels.. -------------------------------------------- I feel as if I have grown as a person. As a whole. As an entire being. Those around me might say the same ....if there were people around me. .....that knew me before. However I have left my family and "friends" in Pennsylvania. I have that word quoted because maybe James made a point. Maybe I never truly experienced a friend. There are great people I've known but who would have given their life for me? Rose may have before, and I would have for her, But we drifted. We are different people now even though despite everything, I still have a spot for her on my mental list of people to care about. Kristin would be the only other person I'd trust in an exchange of life. Distance has parted me from many people but that's all that it is. ..distance. earth. ...plane ticket. Am I so private that I've never even opened myself to anyone? I never find myself sitting at home lacking a friend. Perhaps I am too overly comfortable with the presense of myself and James. Visitation here and there would be ok. A get-together once a month, but I have no void a friend can fill. But what is a friend? Can a friend be a family member? In that case, my sister and cousin have that list topped. I have taken bits of people with me everywhere I go. Those who have influenced me will always stick with me. It's an appreciation un-worthy of english words. It's a shaping process of who you are. "Sheltered", "anti-social", "shy", these are all things I've heard before. I dont agree to either though. I'm just me and I stay on the path that feels right to me. I dont avoid people. I encounter as I go and move on with the person I've chosen to be my other half, James.
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