
I was chatting with my sister and we stumbled across some startling facts regarding toys and how they've dramatically changed over the years. In what ways, you might ask? One of two things. Either, A. Children nowadays have resorted to eating their belongings B. It has taken toy companies until the late 90's to care that children are in fact, eating their belongings. Every toy that used to be very small is now much larger and usually a different material. Take Polly Pocket for instance. This is the old Polly: and now this is the newer Polly: Notice the size and material change. She is now made of a gummy type substance and perhaps should re-marry due to the fact that she is larger than the average pocket. Moving along.. Barbies were a short-lived past-time of mine as a child. I mainly brushed their hair, dressed them, decorated their houses, and said "to hell with it" but that's beside the point. It's not so much multi-tasking Barbie I'm after.. It's her ex-hubby, Ken. It seems that Ken has taken some dramatic changes lately as well. Had this man have been real, one would assume this individual has gone completely insane. Take a look at Ken's early years. Perhaps this is when he and Barbie were considered "cool" among popular crowds. He and the Misses were care-free. During the years after, the non-aging duo had many matching swimsuits, formal affairs, and much more pink furniture than your average middle-aged couple. Ken even took on a full-time job and won an Olympic medal. He started to slip, however, and his character took a beating. He tried more of an “edge” by taking up an interest in motorcycles. He then failed miserably. Apparently Barbie wanted nothing to do with this new-wave Axl Rose look-alike, and found romance elsewhere. Ken, heartbroken, realized he had other interests.. in other.. directions. Ken later realized how happy he was in his new form and openly accepted a much more feminine title, “girl.” .... just a thought.
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