
---> You School .: x name of school-Westlawn .: x grade-6 .: x nicest teacher-Honda .: x meanest teacher-Rooney .: x best class-IONO .: x best subject-S.S. .: x worst class-IONO .: x worst subject-L.A. .: x what do you think about PE or athletics? No Idea. It's fun. Love-Taken .: x taken by who?no one .: x for how long?he hasnt been taken .: x why do you like him/her?cuz he's cute and humorous? .: x is he/she older than you?wow. i dunno. Love-Crushin .: x for how long?2 months .: x planning on doing anything soon? wait wat? Favorites .: x drink-orange juice .: x ice cream flavor-mint chocoolate chip .: x smell-strawberry cream .: x sport-iono. dont play it dat much .: x channel-umm... .: x celebrity-umm... .: x memory-do i have to tell u? .: x candy-musketeers .: x show-none. .: x animal-you This or that .: x roses or daisies-daisies .: x cell phone or AIM-AIM .: x mall or movies-mall .: x tv or computer-computer .: x cat or dog-dog .: x rock or rap-umm... .: x water or milk-water .: x shorts or pants-shorts .: x dinner and a movie or walk on the beach-walk on the beach .: x blue or pink-!!!! .: x color or black and white-color .: x friends or family-umm....ugg!!! family .: x baseball or basketball-basketball .: x coke or pepsi-coke .: x bright or dark-brite
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