But i sleep light on these shores tonight

i forgot to say.. i looked on zangle and so far (besides biology and digital photography) i've scored 80's and 90's on the finals. my grade for digital photography isnt up yet, and i bombed biology so bad. i got a 71/200; 35%. which sucks because now im down to a D+ in that class. but im really happy about the other classes. i may not have raised my grades but just knowing i scored high makes me feel smart. man, i hate that cronies commercial so much. the song always gets stuck in my head before i go to bed, no matter what. bagh has anyone seen that new guinness beer commerical. god its fucking hilarious.
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lol yes, sassy. but its ok lol i just think its funny. bc i saw it and was like whoa then 2 mins later i was like hey thats kinda kool, it like makes a statement....dont ask me what statement tho
lol thats kool...oh and by the way i suck at biology too :)
you're gorgeous, and if your name is really gladys, that makes everything so much better.
i don't know any gladys'es
hey yeah fuck that cronies comercial. and no i havent seen that guiness one yet. hate me-joaquin
I don't know why I'm in a bad mood. Honestly, its just weird.
haah i love you sooooooooooo much. thanks for caring about me. haha your right it isnt the solution. but i dont think im better than that.
Hey.. good luck with your classes.

And about Guiness... BRILLIANT!