dude, who remembers the dancing baby?

Feeling: surprised
well today was alright. i met up with charly at the mall at around 12:40 or so. and we had a little lunch and hung out. he helped me go out for a job hunt and we picked up applications all ovah and turned them in. i was going to apply to macy's but shit. after getting the application and seeing the girls waiting for their interviews i really dont think i would like it there. i wanted to apply for toxic, but they werent hiring, however, their owner was kind enough to take down my name and number just in case. soooo...i applied for: prints plus, sam goody, walden books, john t's, and (sigh, yes) hot topic. im sure most of you are like "ew poseur" but ner, its a job and the people seem pretty nice there. we took the bus back to albertsons and i dropped off some more applications. one for a video store, simones, and the florist.
umm so we chilled at my house for a while. he stayed for dinner. after he left, my mom, cousin and i went for a long walk. which was pretty damn amusing since they're such funny women. i ran into laura at albertsons later on:) pretty radical. i met her daddy. since i got back home i've just been watching VH1 because its just that cool. tomorrow i think im gonna go to my aunts pool with my cousin to chill. so that's all chilluns. p.s. hannah's comin down and we're gonna have mad hawt lovin. so make sure to stop on by with cameras, recorders, and money because honey, we do charge and trust me, it aint no value menu ;)
Read 8 comments
i remember the dancing baby, because I saw it on I Love the 90's last night.

you can work for me, as my private dancer;)

gladys!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe you forgot my birthday. i love you anyway. leive comments on my diare
and i love the dancing baby.
o ya p.s: eeewwwwwww poser
hey you you posizzer

id love to stop by.ill be in ventura and everything too...but ya know...CERTAIN PEOPLE dont think too kidnly of me being around them,or even alive for that matter.

hahahahahahahahahahaha what a poser
hey you, yah im glad i found you tooo! heh thanks for the comment, it was nice. we should do something sometime, not sure what yet, but yeah, i am j-o-b hunting right now, so maybe when i get one, ill take you to some fancy restraunt! haha any ways, call me if you ever want to do something, 901 2564 (cell) peace,
hey gladys, dude. i do have a screen name, isnt that awesome? we should chat some time...its Dystopia X Peni and yea, i am on alot becos its all i can do in this world! haha okay well peace out, talk to you online,
<3 tiffaney
P.S. DUDE! do you have a screen name?!!?! fun fun byes