
Feeling: depressed
Well I got into that car accident. I didn't get the job, some scene girl did. I really do hate my life lately. My mom doesn't give two shits and fuck about me and my dad. My mom has gone crazy and is addicted to gambling. In which she chooses to go gambling than anything. My parents can barely pay the bills. My dad works, my mom can't since she had 5 strokes. I have been looking for a job but I have been shit out of luck. I really do suck at life. My friends fucking suck, I honestly do hate most of them. They take me for granted. They lie to me, use me, and flake out one. Why did I consider them as friends? I don't really think I do, I consider them all as people to talk to that's it. I don't depend on any of them. That goes to most of them. I could careless about school, I want to drop out. I never go, yet I am passing every class but math. Go figure. I'm staying after for like 2 1/2 hours. I know people out there have worse lives than I do. But I am at the point to where I can't take it anymore. jdfghfghkgfdhkjghdfk
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thats apart of life if you could get thur this maybe you can get thur anything just hold on there. and people are always there to help.ttyl[myspaceguy
aww, I'm sorry you're having a tough time. :(

cheer up. :)

i lvoe you