{19} Help

Please help me. Who am I? What am I doing? How come every time I'm finally happy, I end up getting sad 1 minute later? Why are things still bothering me? I want them gone. I have no one to talk to about anything. Everyone thinks I'm ALWAYS upset. I'm afraid to talk to anyone about things because it's gonna seem like )once again) "Sherri's always upset about something!" It just happens that every time I talk to them, it happens to be the wrong time. People think I cry ALL THE TIME. That's not the case. I'm no baby. I handled alot of things that happened in my past very well, but people think I cry ALL THE TIME. I'm emotionally sensitive? yeah .. ok. I can handle things well, it's just everyone has the wrong impression. I hate it. No one obviously truly knows me. ya know, someone told me that not one person knows ALL about him becauae he has somewhat of a mysterious personality. Well, did anyone ever think I might have one too? Everyone assumes they know everything about me. Yeah, some may know the basics, but not 1 person knows everything. my past, anything about my future, or even the present. I dunno, I guess that's one thing that's bothering me. I dunno. I feel pressured all the time. Hm. I'll get thru, I always do. Just keep leaning the right way.
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I often find myself tortured by the same questions, who am I, what am I, why am I here? I turned away from christianity a long time ago so I no longer have any faith that "it's all part of god's plan". However, I do believe that we all have a purpose, a reason for being here. Identifying that purpose can take a lifetime but it is there.
True but it's easier said than done. In my opinion, and I know it is contrived, "only when you've lost everything are you free to do anything"
Sometimes we need to visit rock bottom.
In the words of Crowley:
"Plant your feet below hell
raise your head above the heavens"