Movie failure

So tonight I am suppost to be going to see a movie with Rachael, Devan, and Megan...well now Rachael doesn't want to go because it is at the Erlanger Cinemas instead of Florence and so therefore me and Devan are out of a ride home. So now we are hoping Megan can take us home. However in the mean time I thought maybe my sister could pick me up since she is usually out late anyways. Well I had forgotten she was a bitch and can't do anything for me. To top it off my mom agrees that she shouldnt have to pick me up yet my mom wont do it either because she will be too damn drunk. I love that I try to do everything my family asks me to do and they can never give me anything in return even when its as little as a ride to a theatre. What a now im incredibly pissed and NEED to get away from my home so I think im going to go on a walk...
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