semi charmed kind of life baby baby

Feeling: discombobulated
ok so i finally got my room back. its all pink and pretty and such. and my computer is back in here too. wayy cool. winterguard is over, sad day. =/ i mean yeah, i couldnt wait for it to end, but like now i have nothing to do. i am so bored after school. and i hate spinning by myself. its so boring. i like being told what to spin, and for how long, and having a routine to work on. blah. im so bored. im just waiting for heri and veronica to get home from school. and the cleaning lady to get here. oh and we got our course selection sheets for next years classes. and it scares me. because this means college is just around the corner. and then all this other crap too. blah. so nervous. i hate that kind of change. hmm. but yeah. well i g2g. ttyl. ♥♥
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