I want 2 but at the same time I don't

Feeling: pessimistic
Today, I had planned that I was supposed to go to my aunts house. But, my parents left like an hour ago and I didn't feel like going out, I was watching a great movie-Road Trip. So they left about an hour ago. I am so bored, I'm doing nothing just chilling wondering when Chez is going to leave her house but he's probably not going to leave until really late. What Ever. I am supposed to be doing my homework but I really dont wanna do it right now, I tried to but I dont wanna do it. But I dont know if I should call Cobi or not. Like, she hasn't chilled with him in a LonG ASS time. I don't know what to do!?!? I want to call her but at the same time I dont want to. I dont know what to do. Well, I dont know whether or not they finished the movie, but Im going to wait until she calls me so I can say good nite and say I love u to her. She means so much to me I want to spend every single minute with her. I love her so much. I hope she is having fun. I wonder whats she doing??? Anyways, this is like my seventh entry so I think Im done for the day. Peace out dudes. Love ya Baby.
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