I wish ....

Listening to: my saves the day
Feeling: ungrounded
I wish that i could just drive away somewhere again. wanted to go to the dunes. thats not happening i guess. cant stand this sometimes my grandma drives me nuts. she tries to say bitchy things in a nice way. i think that makes it worse. JUST SAY WHAT YOU REALLY WANNS SAY! not just her everyone. the world would probably be better if we all did that more often. i should do it way more often. wish i wasnt so damned quiet sometimes. i dont understand how some people im just talkative with automatically, its crazy. and then others im silent.. maybe its because those people approach me. if only i was one of those people who always had something good to talk about! and i dont understand how some people can get away with being horrible! boys and girls but mostly girls i think. lie cheat bitch, you name it. for them its okay or at least its okay within the next few weeks! its mind boggling!.. yep i said boggling. shut it. oh well my current mood should be whiney because yeah .. thats what i am! i just wanna go on a vacation or something . shit. I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!
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awww... i love tiffani