little pills

Feeling: bipolar
One day there was a girl walking along a deserted side walk in downtown Las Vegas. She was about 17 and had not a lot of things to live for. She was alone, all alone in the world, all alone on the side walk, except when she turned the corner she saw a man. One single solitary man standing by a wall. He steps out in front of her and askes what she is doing all alone. "I've always been alone," she says. "I can fix that," he replies and hands her some little pills. They were all different colors and had common symbols pressed into them. Feeling apathetic she takes them. Within a few minutes she starts to feel happy. She sees the deserted street start to fill with people who welcomed her. She started to feel hope and love. This goes on for hours. She laughs and smiles and feels like nothing in the world can make her good feelings disapear. And then, suddenly as if waking from a dream, all the good feelings that she had filled herself with disappeared. It left her feeling emptier and more alone than she had before. The street became deserted once more and the only ones lfet were the girl and the man. "did you like that," asked the man. "Yes, but where did all the good feelings go?" "If you want them back, just take a few more pills," the man replied with a smile. The girl thought about this. She wanted to feel loved and welcomed, but in the back of her mind something told her not to take any more. Her body ached with the need to feel happy again, but her mind ached with the depressing feelings she now felt that the pills were gone. "Do i really want to put myself through the pain of departing again from a false happiness? Do i really want to set myself in an illusive world, that only makes me feel better? Or do i want to pursue an actual happiness?" All these thoughts swormed through her head as the man just stood there smiling. Finally, after thinking everything through...she walked away. She walked away from the man, and never looked back...
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I wanted to tell you how wonderful this story is. So, touching... You are a very gifted writer my dear.

*Push aside all distractions, give yourself enough room to look within, whatever you find- don't judge too harshly, love yourself unconditionally and feel the freedom of knowing peace*

= )