35.request line!!?!?!!!?!??

Okay, I don't really know if anyone likes the layouts I'm making because no ones said anything about them. =[ Anyway, since I don't know, I'm adding in a request line. All you have to do is fill out this little survery and post it in a comment. Very easy. =] The biggest thing you have to do is, if you're using a color other than black and white, you need to find a hex code for it. That shouldn't be too hard considering theres a palite of hex codes in the page preferences right here on sit. Also if you want a picture as your background, you'll have to upload the picture to photobucket, or you could email it to me. Heres my email for that purpose: hiimadorkkk@aol.com Okay, so heres the survey: Background color: Entry background: Font type: Main font color: Link color: Do you want borders around the friends, active users, and entry list [example: blue and white hearts]?: If yes, what color?: Do you want a background image?: If yes, are you emailing it to me, or are do you have it in photobucket?: If it's in photobucket, what is the URL?: Want a cursor?: Do you want a header with the words and what have you?: If yes, what should it say?: Okay I know thats a bit long, but if you really want the damn layout, it should be worth it. Okay so use this entry ONLY for requests. I don't want requests on all the other entries. Just this one. I'll probally make one or two new layouts by this monday. =] Talk to yous soon.
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