ever notice??

Listening to: simple plan
Feeling: calm
im really calm and i was just thinking, did you ever notice that people suck?? i mean you think you can trust someone and then they stab you in the back?? wtf? ya today is kk i guess. the morning was messed but i baked cookies so it got better. i have a speech meet tomorrow so i guess i should memorize my lines but im too confused and calm and somehow wired at the same time i dont know either. cassie has a new diary (XpixiXsticsX) i think thats it. i told her to get one and everything so she did. well thats it for now koo koo kachoo xoxox mika p.s. I LOVE YOU CASSIE, KATIE,BRITTY, JENNY!!!!
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wow, uve been listening to alot of simple plan lately.

to ur question. yes, i have realised numerous times that people suck. we were made like that.