
Listening to: none
Feeling: pumped
well...nuthin happened today...all i did was watch movies.... the snow is almost gone..which sucks cause now i dont wanna go to school...but owell....i guess ill live.. i have no clue what to tell you.... so im just going to leave you with this.... If you want to build a ship, don't herd people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.-Antoine de Saint-Exupery -danielle
Read 19 comments
heh thanks, yours is also quite nifty. Lamb of God is simply amazing. But yea...we have Christmas because the pagans used to celebrate the years harvest,they had dances,gave presents and such. The Roman Catholic Church decided that they were concerned about the popularity of the pagan god Saturn(god of sowing and seed), in which case they decided to name the 25th of Dec. Jesus' birthday. Which isn't correct because.....continued...
Awesome Diary add me.
aww thanks u too...yeah well thats the only thing that kinda keeps me up..that someday itll all go away..
i love that quote...im glad ur better..im worse..but its not killing me..
Thankss i like yours alsooo and slipknot rocks hahah if you have AIM you should deff. IM me sometime.

S/n: L4stTr4inHome

thanks. I love your diary!!!!

hmm. Not really, What I meant was, Christ, The Bible, the whole concept of a living god. I don't believe that is stupid it's actually, I believe,a really comforting,intelligent concept. I once was a very strong Christian. It is what man has done to it.Religion is what I think is stupid. Religion is man made. and man is stupid ^-^
hmm...I don't think it's stupid...It's just not something I believe in. Religion is man made, and man is stupid. lol
hey youu long time without talking..where uve been !! im good thanks...how r u ?
.....because no one actually knows the exact date of Jesus' birth. But..yea, They just wanted to focus the attention on Jesus. They didn't actually want to keep any of the pagan traditions,but alas, they were kept...There you have it. Christmas! :-P
slipknot kicks ass...

hey, I read a comment you left on someone diary...The giving of christmas presents and the tree and such actually originated from a pagan holiday..not from the birth of Christ. :-P
Fuck Yeah!
Slipknot is the fucking greatest band out there!! Hell yeahs! Well.. Toodles!
she was ok.. but yeah i seen her and she was showing off her scars and i was like "o thats fuckin sexay.. here takea look at my ass.. its sexayier"
i fucked an emo kid once.. that was random but wtf it dont mattter
u mean anti right?
not much.. switched diaries cause i've come to terms with the shit on this one
aw yeh
LOG are awesome!