
So, first entry… Let’s skip the pleasantries and get down to the nitty gritty shall we? I went to a wedding today for a childhood friend of mine. I used to have a major thing for her brother. I only say used to because I hadn’t talked to him in a year so there really is nothing there. I learned through the grape vine that he had a new girlfriend, ironically with my name. She had been pointed out to me previously so I knew it was her following him today. I love the way he looks at me- I had forgotten that look. I have probably imagined it but that’s ok by me. I walked in and his were the first eyes I saw that met me with recognition and that look- like he has no choice but to come talk to me. He came over to me with her on his heals and said hello giving me a hug. He’s famous for his hugs. For some reason an embrace from this man melts you. His hugs are like a stamp of approval. You work really hard to gain the hug at times you wonder if it’s worth it but then you get it; the peace and energy found in his arms is better than any drug. And once he’s given you his hug he won’t take it back. He may not see you for ten years but when he does he will give you that hug and suddenly you remember why you love him and why he could tell you to do anything and you would willingly obey. I’m addicted to his hug. He didn’t introduce her. He knows I don’t know her. So I pretended I had no idea she was with him and strategically placed my back to her and talked to him. If he were anyone else I would have asked him if she were a cousin but he would have seen straight through that. He would reply with something like, “Green is not your color.” One day it will all work out and he and I will get married. He just doesn’t know it yet. The last three years have been riddled with hindrances. Him going to boot camp, me going to school, one serious relationship on his part, my own personal demons. Mostly it is the fact that over the last two years we have spent roughly a month and a half in the same state and then a week of that he spent on duty two hours away. Damn I think he’s going to be 25 in a week. We’re getting old.
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Hey there old fart. :P Bad, Bad Leroy Brown is a groovy song indeed though. Hope I entertained you enough that you'll come visit again.
Wish I could hug like your friend there. Then maybe people wouldn't hate me so much. :P
This is interesting. At first, i thought you were talking bout me. You see, my brother got married on the 8th, and I was like, hmm... did she go to my brothers wedding? Who is she talking about? But as I read on, of course it was not about me. Silly silly human me. Oh yah, welcome to sitd.
I did realize that it would become impenetrable, but that's the way it has to be until I find somebody to rust away the armour. Or one who has a welding torch. :P It's not all that bad, it's part chicken wire so some stuff comes through and some gets out. I call those moments of lucidity insanity.
"Poog" is just a word I made up that can be as versatile as "fuck." I just think it sounds groovy. I'm rambling stupidities now, sorry.
it goes down better with pepto.

i am old.
cool cool background
Thanks for the welcome.
