
Listening to: Frou Frou
Feeling: different
so i took some pictures with my amazing new DiGi!!! woohoo! im in love... so yea i have pics of the puppets... and some of patrick... so im soooooon! gonna get 'em up here... hopefully... haha! ok so how was your weekend? mine was amazing! ok so this is kinda long so you dont have to read it... wait NO you have to read it and if you dont FUCK YOU! this weekend was ROCKBRiDGE! which totally rocked... its amazing... i had an amazing time.... so lemme explain... every year the patricks family goes to the mountains... and they always invite me because they love me... because hellooo who doesnt love me and my sexy a$$! haha! so this yr... gabbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyy and i shared a room... sounds like a plan doesnt it? and we stayed up till like 854612512789 am... haha! gaby roo i love you! so gabs and i shared a room... but patrick actually slept in there with us with gabys beautiful boyfriend, cooper!!!! so fridayyy nighhht... cooper drove the KIDDOS and mommy whit drove the adultsss haha so we got there... and chilled... and made s'moressss! yay! then we talked for a gazillion hours and then pokered! then saturday we went skiiiiing! and snowboarding.. gaby is the worst ever so she and coopyyy went shopping in the wierd village thing... but me and pat went snowboarding... and his parents went skiing! it was amazing... and then me and pat finished and walked down to the town... and shopped... and got hot chocolate... and fun stuff like that! then that night we stayed up ALL night! haha! it was so much fun... actually we wanted to see how long we could stay up... and we found out... it was a looooooong time! haha... patrick... finally aksed me out... and by reading all the stuff yall could figure out that ive liked him... so i told him and then he told me like the exact same thing... and so now we are going out and are the happiest couple in the world.. so then still like saturday night gaby and cooper fell asleep but patrick wasnt tired... so i stayed up to keep him company... cause now im his girlfriiiiiend! and thats what good girlfriends do! hahaha! but thennn before i completely fell asleep... he kissed me and that was our first kiss as a couple and it was perfect... so then we stayed up with little cat naps... haha! but then gabs and coop woke up and we got to tell them the good news... so the cooper thought it was a good idea to ceebrate to go get ice cream... so we went... but everywhere was closed so we drove for like two hours... trying to find ice cream and we FINNNALLY did... and it was a amzing! inside jokes: marshy?, nicknames to the extreme, speelingeverythangNdawg, pamp dont preah, radiooo, pat, the beds, CaBiN! haha! i love all of you! ok so thats that! i hope all yall had an amazing weekend... just like mmmmeeee! ok so xoxox... evian(haha sorry that should be up in the inside joke section!) i love you PaTrIcK
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