you know how i roll

Listening to: Jingle Bell Rock!!
Feeling: adored
1)using band names or singers spell out your name E - early november, the V - vines, the E - eyeliners, the L - LOLA RAY Y - YEAH YEAH YEAHS N - new amsterdams, the 2) have you ever had a song written about you? nope 3) what songs makes you cry? i hope you had the times of your life - green day & taps 4) what song makes you happy? ummm... i wanna hold your hand - the beatles 5) what do you like to listen to before bed? nothing... 6) height: 5'4 somthing like that 7) hair color: red normally... but at the time... darkish reddish... yea 8) eye color: brown 10) piercings: 2 11) tattoos: none r i g h t n o w 12) what color pants are you wearing?: dark blue 13) what song are you listening to?: Was TBS-cute without the e but now 36 crazy fists-slit wrist theory 14) what taste is in your mouth?: cereal 15) what's the weather like?: snoww :) 16) how are you?: good i geuss 17) get motion sickness?: nah 18) have a bad habit?: yeah 19) get along with your parents?: sometimes f a v o r i t e s 20) tv show: umm... totally in to GrOwInG Up GoTTi at the moment 21) conditioner: herbal essences 22) book: the valachi papers 23) non alcoholic drink: pepsi 24) alcoholic drink: cosmos at the moment 25) thing to do on the weekend: hang out Male singer: hmmm... Female Singer: again... hmmm... h a v e y o u 26) broken the law: who hasnt? 27) ran away from home: yea 28) snuck out of the house: yea 29) ever gone skinny dipping: haha... yes 30) made a prank phone call: yes 31) ever tipped over a porta potty: yes 32) used your parents' credit card before: yes 33) skipped school before: yes 34) fell asleep in the shower/bath: yes 35) been in a school play: yea.. l o v e 36) boyfriend/girlfriend: yeppp 37) name:Patrick 38) children: sorry 39) current crush: pat 40) been in love: yes 41) had a hard time getting over someone: bah 42) been hurt: yea 43) your greatest regret: oh my... 44) gone out with someone you only knew for three days:no... r a n d o m 45) do you have a job: yes 46) your cd player has in it right now: Atreyu 47) if you were a crayon what color would you be?: at the moment... like pretty pink or something cheesy like that... 48) what makes you happy: lots of things. 49) what's the next cd you're gonna get: totally copying SKIPPERS idea and i might make a 90s mix... ooooor... umm... the used cd for gaby w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t 50) time you cried: haha 51) you got a real letter?: today... from LuCyyyy 52) you got e-mail: today 53) thing you purchased: a purseee 54) tv program you watched: home improvement 55) movie you saw in the theater: alexander... ew, no. y o u r t h o u g h t s o n 56) abortion: for it 57) teenage smoking: cant say im not against it 58) spice girls: SPICE UP YOUR LIFE! 59) dreams: amazing Thirteen random things you like: 01. marshmallows 02. kisses in the rain 03. best friends 04. sisters 05. john deere 06. british accents 07. teardrops 08. nicknames 09. thunder 10. reading 11. laughing 12. swings 13. road trips Twelve movies you like: 1. to catch a thief 2. when harry met sally 3. finding nemo 4. roman holiday 5. an affair to remember 6. sleepless in seattle 7. Fight Club 8. kill bill 9. breakfast at tiffanys 10. some like it hot 11. The godfather(all of them) 12. ScArFaCe Eleven things in your room: 01. Bed 02. al pacino 03. a big cut out poster thing of DARTH VADER! 04. Dresser 05. Nightstand 06. Chair 07. shoes 08. Clothes 09. Stereo 10. An Overly Sized SHOOOOE! 11. Lots of Movies Ten things about you: 01. blonde at heart 02. in love with music 03. funky 04. emotional 05. silly 06. sleeps a whole lot 07. in love with friends 08. social 09. crazy 10. LoVaBlE Six things you wear daily: 01. A shirt 02. pants... on occasion 03. earrings 04. watch 05. bracelets 06. necklace Six things that annoy you: 01. backstabbers 02. deer killers 03. plastics 04. dramatic people 05. fakes 06. good charlotte lovers Five things you touch everyday: 01. the computer 02. toothbrush 03. hair 04. food 05. water? drinks? ice cream? Two people you'd like to kiss: 1. patrick 2. joe dimaggio One person you could spend the rest of your life with: 01. PATRICK!
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