more snow!

yaaaaaaahoooo!!! it snowed yesterday! i thought it was going to be all slush... but hey! there is snow on the ground!! that makes me excited! i think i'm going snowboarding on monday... i havn't been since last year, so its time to brush up! i've missed my snowboard. i know thats sad... but i love my snowboard almost as much as i love my guitar! (and thats a lot) but yeah... my snowboard's name is Thomas. don't think i'm too crazy though... i name all my favorite things. it makes me happy. haha. tomorrow after school is the talent show auditions. i'm going to go watch. heehee... OPEN EYED is auditioning... so i'll just say i'm with them... *wink wink* ... i think haleigh is auditioning too. anyways... i have to take kassi to her basketball game, wish her luck! c ya! have a good one!
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Hey Koree!! You probably don't know me that well, I'm Emily. (um, yes, that one girl who likes jake...) But yeah, welcome to sitdiary! Add me to friends!
i haven't been to the snow since i was like, seven. :[
and it doesn't snow here. sdjkhfjksdf
where do you live>?
awww cool! my friend tiffany moved there last year. i live in california :]