State Drama

Listening to: Sugar We're Goin down
Feeling: cuddly
state drama was fun. i didn't win anything. for juvie or barefoot... but i had fun. i got to be with my josh all weekend and i got to room with cassie! that rocked! i can't wait to do something like that again! yay!! go eat pie! P.S. LONG LIVE DADDY UBU!
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hey koree i'm glad you had fun being with me last weekend and of course i had a ton of fun being able to be with you for 3 days, i can't wait until i can do that again, i love you soooooo much i never want to go a day with out you let alone one minute without you, i miss you sooooooo much!!! i can't wait til i can see you again (tomorrow), i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you,
-your josh