Completely Embarrassed

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Feeling: happy
Allllright, well Saturday night I talked to Nick online. I didnt think anything of it at the time, but when I was telling Kristy about it today, it all became clear. Some of the things Nick knew, he wouldnt have known unless he has read my journal. Meaning, he did. :-/That completelllly embarrassed me when Kristy pointed that out. Im so stupid I never even got it... lol So yeah, now that I realize that, thats the embarrassing thing^. lol So, I guess in a way it could be a good thing, because atleast he knows now that I notice him and think he is wicked hott..but its actually really kinda bad, because its very embarrassing. lolol So, I bet eventually this will be read also and that will just be embarrassing I guess, But I like it. I actually like him realizing, because mayyybe it could be a good thing?:-)lol Or not. but hahaha I girl can dream...:-D So yeah, today was a good day. We got our 'bracelets' to give to the person we ask for the Sadie Hawkins shindig. Ok I hate calling it a 'Sadie Hawkins' just sounds like an 80 year old woman is saying it and thats what it reminds me of, something for like the '50s? lol But yeah. Thats what its called and thats what theys black pieces of plastic are for..:-D I dont think I am going to go though, because I think I am just going to go to NYC with Alison, unless I work up enough courage to ask ^ you all know who! But, something tells me he will have a date, before I ever became brave enough to ask him so..:-p It sucks big time. I must look like such a loser hahahahaa Ohhh well...So yeah, I think Nick seems like a veryyy nice person, and I realllly want to get to know him better!!! :-D haha so yeah...leave comments*!
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